In the Guangluan mainland, the spiritual plant masters absorb the refinement and refinement, and replenish the energy.

However, the aura in the abyss is very thin, just like the aura around now, Feng Chen can't absorb much through the devouring of the black mandala, and it is impossible to rely on this thin aura to advance to the spiritual realm. .

  It is no wonder that practitioners in Guangluan Continent feel extremely terrifying when they mention the abyss and hell. If people without special abilities want to survive in the abyss and hell, it is indeed a big problem.

"I don't know why, my little babies fell into a deep sleep when they came to the abyss and hell, even Xiaojiu was no exception. I don't know if it was affected by anything and when will they wake up." Yu Qingqing sighed. .

  Otherwise, let Xiao Jiu out to see if he can purify the surrounding black energy and purify the spiritual energy.

   But fortunately, she felt that the little babies were in a good state of sleep, and nothing unusual happened.

   "Take it one step at a time, I don't actually hate the environment here."

  Lin Mingze paused and said, "Forgot to tell you, I can absorb and refine the black energy here, and it can be converted faster than the spiritual energy in the body."

   Black Qi is actually a kind of power created by the fusion of dark aura and Yin evil aura. Therefore, this place is not only easier for Lin Mingze, who is a corpse refiner, to adapt to, but it is more like a blessed land.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen both smiled when they heard his words, "That's good, as long as senior brother can absorb the refining black energy and convert it into power, we will have a little more security."

  Lin Mingze nodded: "Of course, my mission is to protect you."

   Yu Qing smiled at Lin Mingze and said, "Senior brother, I didn't expect you to look like this when you were young! So cute!"

   Lin Mingze's steamed bun instantly wrinkled, "This curse is really annoying."

   He didn't like this image of a child with baby fat at all. As a corpse refiner, it was a shame to go out with this image.

   "I'm going to absorb the refining black energy!" After speaking, he stood up and walked out of the stone house with short legs and went to the stone house next to him to practice.

Yu Qingqian looked at Lin Mingze's rapidly disappearing back and smiled lightly, "It seems that Senior Brother doesn't like his current image at all! But I looked so cute, I wanted to reach out and squeeze his bun face just now. ."

   Fengchen laughed: "So he quickly avoided you and went to practice."

   Not to mention Lin Mingze, even he was not used to adapting to the appearance and image of a child suddenly.

   But looking at Yu Qingqian's smart and pleasant appearance, he couldn't help but trigger many memories and softness in Feng Chen's heart.

  Yu Qingqian also felt the same way. Seeing her sick beauty turned into a delicate and beautiful little boy when she was a child, her heart softened unconsciously.

   "Sick Beauty, although we are childhood sweethearts, we have missed a lot of time, and now we can make up for that regret." Yu Qingqian climbed onto Feng Chen's lap and wrapped around his neck as if he was a child.

  Sick Beauty now looks like she was eight or nine years old, and she looked like she was five or six years old, which made her suddenly feel like they met again and started to talk about love.

   Feng Chen laughed softly, took Yu Qingqian in his arms, and kissed her forehead, "Okay, we'll make up for the time we didn't spend together."

   Looking at it this way, being a child is not annoying anymore, but instead has a novel experience in my heart.

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