The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1935: You are getting more willful

  Gu Yan is the old son of Gu Zhongjin and his wife. He was born not only as a natural spiritual planter, but also has three talents of heaven and is extremely intelligent.

   Putting aside the talent and potential, the son and the couple who were born at such an old age naturally grew up with love and pampering in the palm of their hearts.

In particular, his wife spends more time with his younger son than he does, so he can't help but often want to smoke this boy, but after no news of the younger son, even he is in anxiety all day long, and the whole family is about to die. .

   "Your old lady's hair has been about to turn white in the past thousand years. She often wipes her tears at every turn. You have never given us peace of mind since I was a child." The middle-aged man glared at Gu Yan again.

  Gu Yan has been a little overlord in his family since he was a child. When he grew up, no younger generation in his clan dared to provoke him, and he belonged to a dude with talent, strength and background, acting willful and arrogant.

  Gu Zhongjin originally thought that he and his family could protect the younger son, and the stinky boy was willful but not bad, and his wife and eldest son often protected him secretly, so he opened one eye and closed the other.

   Who knew that more than a thousand years ago, he suddenly received a message from his son that he was being chased and killed, and then there was no news.

The    soul card also became dull, not broken but there was no response, and there was no way to find out the whereabouts of the son and the person who was chasing the son.

   Over the past thousand years, he has tried his best to find his son's whereabouts, so he came here uneasy just after the news.

   If his wife hadn't been the key to the promotion, I'm afraid he would have rushed to find this stinky boy long ago. It really broke their hearts from childhood to adulthood.

  Gu Yan immediately became nervous when he heard his father's words, "Father, is my mother all right? Did she succeed in the promotion?"

  Gu Chongjin showed his first smile since entering the door, "She is still in seclusion. You should be able to get out when you go back, and you will know if you can successfully advance and go back."

   "My mother's talent potential is no worse than yours, so there shouldn't be much of a problem in advancing." Gu Yan said comfortingly.

  Gu Zhongjin gave him a white look: "You don't have to worry about this, I have already made arrangements."

   "You are really becoming more and more willful. Not only have you disappeared for thousands of years, but after you came back, you actually went to destroy a sect of other people. You really gave me a face!" Gu Zhongjin had a headache when he mentioned this.

   As soon as he arrived at Xiatianjing today, he received the news that his younger son had done something good, and he really wanted to beat the stinky boy.

   was originally prepared to do that, but when he saw Gu Yan's pitiful appearance and couldn't do it, he couldn't help feeling distressed.

  Gu Yan blinked with a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, "You actually know about my sect of extermination!"

   "That's not my fault, who let them bully my apprentice? And the top of the sect has colluded with the abyss, and it will naturally not make them feel better if it falls into my hands."

Gu Yan saw that his father's anger was almost gone, so he introduced Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen to his father with a smile, "Old man, I have a precious apprentice, her name is Yu Qingqian, this is her husband Feng Feng. Chen."

   "If you don't have my precious apprentice, old man, you might have to spend thousands of years before you can see me, and maybe you will never see me again in your whole life." He added.

  Gu Chongjin originally didn't care about Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, but when he heard Gu Yan's words, he couldn't help but look at the two of them.

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