Yu Changfeng didn't go after him either. He believed that after what happened today, Gui Yuanzong should also show an attitude.

   Sure enough, Old Ancestor Gu looked at the space where Old Ancestor Bai left in White Mist Villa and said, "Let the matter of White Mist Villa be handed over to Guiyuan Sect."

   "Okay, if you can't suppress it, you can send me a message at any time. Our Sky Palace doesn't mind beating up the underdog." Yu Changfeng said meaningfully.

   The words of the two also changed the expressions of the senior officials and disciples of Baiwu Villa, and it could be heard that Gui Yuanzong was going to attack Baiwu Villa.

  Bai Ming sighed in his heart, Old Ancestor Taishang really caused a lot of trouble for Baiwu Villa this time.

   But there is nothing he can do, the best time to capture Feng Chen has been missed, it is really worth the loss.

  The senior management and disciples of Tingyin Pavilion looked around looking for the figure of Taishang Patriarch.

  The beautiful woman took a deep breath, walked to the front of Gu Laozu and asked respectfully, "May I ask if Gu Laozu knows the whereabouts of our Tingyin Pavilion Taishang ancestor?"

  Yu Changfeng and Yu Qingqian have both returned, which means that their ancestors failed to kidnap people.

   At this moment, she couldn't help but feel an inexplicable panic in her heart, so she couldn't help but want to ask, after all, your ancestor Gu is their righteous person.

   Gu Laozu replied indifferently: "Dead!"

  The beautiful woman raised her head in disbelief: "Dead? How is that possible? Old Ancestor Gu, don't make such a joke with the younger generation."

   Gu Old Ancestor raised his eyebrows, with a bit of majesty: "Do I have to joke with your junior?"

   "You guys, Tingyin Pavilion, did this kind of looting and wanted to forcibly seize the things of the younger generation, and provoked people who shouldn't be provoked. What if the grandfather of Tingyin Pavilion died?"

   Immediately he pointedly said: "You don't know how long the Tingyin Pavilion will exist. Instead of worrying about the whereabouts of the ancestors, consider your own future."

   He didn't say any more, but these words sounded like a thunderbolt in the ears of the beautiful women and disciples in the Tingyin Pavilion.

  Gu Laozu is the deacon of Guiyuan Sect, Taishang Laozu, and it is impossible to talk nonsense in public. Then he said that Taishang Laozu is dead, and the Tingyin Pavilion may no longer exist. How is this possible?

   They cannot accept this fact.

   Old Ancestor Gu walked up to Tong Yuan and said, "We have been disturbed by our disciples recently. The three-way exchange conference is over, so we will say goodbye first!"

  Tong Yuan nodded: "Okay, there will be a future!"

   Yu Changfeng and Yu Qingqian had already finished what they had to say on the way back.

  Yu Qingqian was reluctant to look at her grandfather, the two of them passed a few words, then saluted Yu Changfeng with Feng Chen, and followed Old Ancestor Gu to leave Xuanyou Valley.

   Then the senior leaders of other sects also left with their disciples one after another. The senior leaders of Leisha Mountain were still terrified, thinking that it was fortunate that they did not emerge this time.

   Baiwu Mountain Villa and the upper floors of Tingyin Pavilion are all frowning, especially the beautiful woman in Tingyin Pavilion is even more disturbed.

  Xuanyougu has returned to its former calm, but what happened at the Three Dao Exchange Conference made the next world unable to calm down for a long time.

Several sects and first- and second-rate high-level officials had a lot of speculation about the news of the death of the Taishang ancestor in Tingyin Pavilion, but they all pointed at Yu Qingqian, because the other party kidnapped her and left. .

   Many people began to speculate whether there were other backers behind Yu Qingqian besides Yu Changfeng.

Because the ancestor of Baiwu Mountain Villa leaked the news when he fought with Laozu Tong before, the ancestor of Tingyin Pavilion is half-step nirvana, even if Yu Changfeng and several people join forces It is impossible to kill it.

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