The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1912: The door is always open for you

   Not to mention the executives and disciples present, even Yu Qingqian was surprised.

   She already knew the secrets between the nine sects, the so-called Taishang Taipaozu must be the emperor's powerhouse in the Nirvana realm.

   I didn't expect Shura Peak to offer such a condition in order to dig her over.

   Actually, Yu Qingqian didn't dislike the senior leaders and disciples of Shura Peak, and even liked their maverick behavior.

   It's a pity that liking it doesn't mean it's suitable, not to mention that they have already chosen it.

  Yu Qingqian didn't hesitate too much, and looked at the man in gold with respect and respect, "Junior thank you for your attention, but I can only say sorry!"

   She clearly expressed her refusal, which left many high-level officials and a group of disciples stunned.

   "The Great Demon King isn't stupid, isn't he, he didn't go to such a good condition, Guiyuan Sect is so good?" A disciple of Demon Dao couldn't help muttering.

   The disciple of the evil way echoed, "That is, the Great Demon King feels more like a disciple of the evil way and the evil way than us, why is he so in love with Guiyuanzong?"

The disciples of Shura Peak couldn't help but roll their eyes, "The Great Demon King really got water in his head, that's the great ancestor who accepted his apprentices! I heard that the old man hasn't accepted an apprentice for so many years. She will definitely be liked by her temperament, but she refuses such a good thing."

   Even the disciples of the righteous way felt that the Great Demon King was stupid in their hearts to refuse such a good thing.

After whispering, Lin Mingze naturally didn't like to hear other people speak ill of his master, so he said, "This also shows that our Great Demon King has a good character. It is a very good quality to be affirmed.”

  Other people thought about it when they heard his words, the quality of the Great Demon King is really good.

  Although they still felt that if it was replaced by themselves, they would have agreed long ago.

  The man in golden clothes was stunned when he heard Yu Qingqian's refusal, and smiled bitterly: "You little girl really makes people love and hate! Why are you so single?"

"Well, I'm not a person who likes to demand things. You are still firm in your original intention in the face of such temptations. Such quality is very good, and it doesn't mean that I came to Xuanyougu for you." He sighed again. .

  If Yu Qingqian agreed without hesitation after he put forward the conditions, he would be satisfied, but maybe he would not be so concerned. This may be the more complicated side of people.

  Yu Qingqian liked the temperament of this great ancestor very much, and said with a smile: "It can only mean that I have no relationship with Shura Peak, but I am still very grateful to the seniors for their attention, and even more grateful to the seniors for making a special trip."

   "Haha, it's okay!" The man in golden clothes laughed loudly: "I didn't come for nothing today. If the little girl changes her mind in the future, the door of our Shura Peak will be opened for you at any time."

Immediately, he took out a specially made token and popped it out before Yu Qingqian, "The promise and conditions I just said are still valid, if you change your mind, just use this token to send me a message! "

   Although Yu Qingqian has no plans to change jobs, the other party has already done so, and if he refuses again, it will be too rude to the other party.

   She took the token in front of her and put it away, "Thank you, senior!"

   Gu Laozu agreed with Yu Qingqian's acceptance of the token. The little girl is quite mature in dealing with people, and she did not intend to show a sense of integrity and refuse again, which is very good!

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