The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1901: One person attains the truth, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven

  Feng Chen rarely made good friends, and Yu Chi Yu was one of them he recognized.

   He picked up the secret book on the table, and the ban was automatically lifted. Obviously, Yu Chi Yu had already opened it before.

   "If you show us something like this, will you be severely punished if you are found?" Feng Chen asked while rubbing the forging secret book with his fingertips.

  If this will implicate Yuchi Yu, then they would rather not watch it.

Yu Chi Yu waved his hand indifferently, and hooked his lips: "It's okay, you just need to return the secret book to me before the exchange meeting is over, those old guys are staring at me now, but they don't dare to do anything to me. of."

   "If it wasn't for the inconvenience of coming out recently, I would have given you the secret book long ago." Then he pouted, remembering a high-level soul hall who had been staring at him, and there was a bit of coldness in his eyes.

   Feng Chen raised his eyebrows: "I see that you are in a good mood, and you are not so jealous of your brother's people. Did something good happen?"

The smile on Yu Chi Yu's face thickened when he mentioned this, "My father broke through from the Heavenly Spirit Realm to the Heling Realm and retreated, and the only heir he recognized to the outside world was me, so after he came out, he personally cleaned up those who could not make it to the stage. thing."

   "These people are just unwilling to give so much before to fail, so they stare at me and hope I make a big mistake, so that I can take the handle and send it to my father."

  Yu Chi Yu leaned lazily on the chair, "But even if my father knows that I stole the secret tome for you to see, it doesn't matter. He and your great-grandfather are privately good friends."

   It is accurate to say that his father owes Yu Changfeng his life, so it will be fine, as long as those old immortals in the Soul Palace don't take advantage of the master to attack him.

   In the evil way and the demon way, Yu Changfeng made a lot of friends, and basically every sect had an ancestor or an ancestor who had a good personal relationship with him.

  Yu Chi Yu has always admired and admired Yu Changfeng. Who would have thought that he was actually Yu Qingqian's great-grandfather, which made him even more excited.

   "It turns out that you can attain the Dao and ascend to heaven by yourself." Yu Qing said with a light smile.

   Yu Chi Yu glared at her, "It's like you're not the same, you can't be provoked now, your great-grandfather is not a character to be provoked, he is much better than my father."

   "But my great-grandfather is not in the Guiyuan Sect, but your father can always cover you in the Soul Palace." Yu Qingqian saw Yuchi Yu's expression of a little embarrassment, and smiled to meet him.

   Sure enough, Yu Chi Yu raised his eyebrows: "That's right, I've been angry with his concubines for so many years and he should have compensated me well."

   It can also be heard from this sentence that Yu Chi Yu and his father have a good relationship, and the other party should condone and value him very much.

   "Then congratulations, you finally made it." Feng Chen opened the secret scripture and looked at it, "We will definitely return the secret scripture to you in three days, so you can explain it when you go back."

   "Okay, with your talent for understanding, I guess three days is enough." Yu Chi Yu nodded.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen didn't want each other's secret scriptures for nothing, Yu Qingqian sent a lot of various potions to Yu Chi Yu, and Feng Chen helped his Lingzhi inscribe the 50% attribute increase and stacking effect.

   Yu Chi Yu brought a lot of good things with him after he went back, which made him feel embarrassed.

  Although he is purely to fulfill his promise to his friends, not with the purpose of exchanging with the two of them, he will not pretentiously reject the good intentions of the two.

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