Yu Changfeng thought about it a few times, but in the end he didn't blurt out what he wanted to ask.

   "Where's Feng Chen?" He asked instead.

   With Feng Chen's temperament and thoughtful etiquette, it should be impossible to see him on purpose.

  Yu Qingqian said truthfully: "Feng Chen felt that Baiwu Villa attached great importance to the book of forging experience. We were called by the sect master to talk just now, and I heard that the ancestors of Baiwu Villa also came to Xuanyougu."

   "Although the sect master suspects that they may have come to dig Feng Chen and go to Baiwu Mountain Villa to practice, but Feng Chen always feels that it is not so simple, just in case he is refining the book now."

   The Sect Master has repeatedly revealed that if someone comes to dig them, don't agree.

Judging from the **** of the sect master to them before, and the ancestors of the Guiyuan sect who came here because of their affairs, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen’s sense of belonging to the Guiyuan sect also getting stronger.

   Therefore, even if the Sect Master did not politely command them, they would not be able to continue their cultivation in other sects.

   What's more, the abyss **** is about to open, and they may not stay in the Guiyuan Sect for long.

  Yu Changfeng was stunned for a while. He didn't expect the two little guys to be so sensitive, so he was completely relieved, and he decided not to interfere with the affairs of Feng Chen and the Yun Clan, and he didn't ask any more questions.

   "Well, the old guy from White Mist Villa really came with bad intentions. Feng Chen's vigilance is right, and he will continue to maintain it in the future." Yu Changfeng agreed.

  Yu Qingqian frowned slightly, "Great-grandfather means that the real purpose of the great ancestor of White Mist Villa is actually for that book of experience, and robbing Chen is just an excuse?"

   "It shouldn't be just an excuse, they are naturally happy to be able to **** a forging genius like Feng Chen, and to be justifiably concealed."

   Yu Changfeng's eyes froze, "But if you can't dig people, that old guy with deep scheming will probably make a bad move."

   Yu Qingqian did not hide his true side in front of his great-grandfather. Although he would not be too casual, he would get along very naturally.

   She sighed and said speechlessly, "I didn't expect that participating in a three-way exchange conference would attract the covet of the two sects. It's really troublesome."

   "It's a good thing that you are outstanding, it's good to attract people to solve it."

  Yu Changfeng chuckled lightly: "You and Feng Chen did a good job at the Three Dao Exchange Conference this time, and they were very proud of me. Old Man Tong looked at me with envy and envy."

   "We don't regret it, it's just that we got into trouble, and I'm a little embarrassed to have my great-grandfather worry about it." Yu Qing said with a smile.

  Yu Changfeng waved his hand indifferently, "I'm sorry, you are my great-granddaughter. I used to have nowhere to worry about it because I was separated by two worlds. Now that you are here, I am willing to worry more."

   "If you don't let me worry, I'm not happy." He emphasized again.

  As he gets older, Yu Changfeng pays more attention to blood and kinship, and he really likes to **** the hearts of these juniors from the bottom of his heart.

  Otherwise, he wouldn’t have brought that worry-free son by his side and taught him personally, as would his grandson.

   His great-granddaughter couldn’t be kept by his side, so he felt that he should give more love and pampering.

   "Of course we like the care and care of our great-grandfather, as long as you don't think we can make trouble." Yu Qingqian is also the truth.

   The favor given to her and Feng Chen by the elders will not be taken for granted, and they will also try their best to repay this affection.

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