The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1872: Cheap is not easy to pick up

  Yu Qingqian's behavioral style of keeping a line in his work also made most of the high-level outsiders nodded and praised.

  Tong Yuan in the thatched cottage also smiled when he saw it: "I thought that with the domineering and wanton temper of the little girl, she would take away all the poisonous spider essence and let her monster pet eat all the poisonous spiders."

   When Yu Qingqian released a group of her little babies who were madly eating poisonous spiders, Tong Yuan had to admit that he felt distressed, and wanted to personally take the little girl and throw it out of the forest.

   But now, seeing that the poisonous spider swarm has not hurt too much, the essence of the venom has remained half, and the distress is not so serious.

  Yu Changfeng smiled complacently and said, "My family Qianqian is a smart person. She knows how to behave, and being arrogant and wanton doesn't mean she will be stupid."

   "..." Tong Yuan rolled his eyes at him, this person really doesn't deserve praise, he gets shy when he praises him, he really wants to beat him up!

On the shortcut of    Xuangu, Yu Qingqian and the others hurried on their way.

In the dangerous area passing between   , several teams soon appeared, all of them were disciples of first- and second-rate families.

   They all thought about the power of the Great Demon King before, so they boldly negotiated a trailing countermeasure, wanting to get some cheap.

   So I followed all the way and got here without any hindrance.

   But soon they regretted it, because the poisonous spider king promised Yu Qingqian not to come out until they passed, but after passing by, it would no longer be in this range.

  So after the groups of people arrived, the poisonous spiders swarmed out, and the faces of the groups turned white in fright, and they all fled around.

   If the deacon ancestors in Xuanyougu hadn't come forward to stop them, they would all have been poisoned.

   However, because the ancestors of Xuanyougu came forward to save people, several teams were directly eliminated.

   The disciples outside were sighing and sighing. Is the Great Demon King's bargain so easy to pick up? think too much.

   Soon, Yu Qingqian and his party arrived at the second nest of the most dangerous poison group marked on the map.

  Yu Qingqian still asked the disciples of Guiyuan Sect to wait. She took the little treasures to clean up like last time.

   also only killed half of the poison and gave a warning and passed.

   Guiyuanzong's team completed two-thirds of the way, and the other fastest teams only got halfway there.

   A group of people continued on their way, and encountered a lot of scattered poisonous insects and poisons on the way, all of which were eliminated by the little treasures.

  Yu Qingqian also dealt with or reminded the poisonous plants. After more than two hours, Guiyuanzong's team successfully reached the end point marked on the map.

  Feng Chen looked at the end of the virgin forest. The forest was shrouded in a layer of light green mist, and the release of mental energy and mental energy could not detect a distance of more than three meters.

   "The distance for the release of mental power here is too short, and the area of ​​the forest is very large. Is there any way for you to find the glass cup?" He looked at a group of people and said.

   Xiang Qing, who had not shown much at this time, replied: "I should be able to find the glass cup."

   The others looked at her with some surprise and suspicion.

  Feng Chen did not doubt the authenticity of Xiang Qing's words. The Sect Master must have brought people because of Xiang Qing's special ability, "Okay, then I will trouble Junior Sister."

   Xiang Qing smiled: "Senior brother is too polite, it's all I should do."

   She has a special kind of spirit body, in addition to the repelling attribute in the valley, she is also very good at finding things.

   She was a little happy to see that Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian didn't show any doubts about themselves from beginning to end, and after all, there were still people who believed in them.

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