The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1866: What should I do if I fail to learn?

   Guiyuan Sect is a righteous sect known for protecting the shortcoming. As long as his disciples are not making big mistakes in the big right and wrong, once someone bullies them, they will definitely seek justice.

The sect master said very strongly: "Of course, our Guiyuan Sect is not a soft persimmon. The disciples of other sects dare to attack and murder our disciples in public. If our sect doesn't ask for an explanation, then it is better to follow the first major sect of the right way. position to retreat."

  Today, this incident was the fault of Tingyin Pavilion from beginning to end.

  The little girl happily came out of the "Valley", and was inexplicably questioned by the senior management of Tingyin Pavilion, accused by the disciples of Tingyin Pavilion with actions and words, and even threatened.

   The sect master was already angry, and he was still thinking about how he would target the Tingyin Pavilion after the three-way exchange meeting after reporting to the ancestors.

   But he didn't expect that the little girl Yu Qingqian was so smart, so she automatically let the other party bring the handle up.

   No wonder he had wondered why the little girl would slap the disciple on the face. The emotion was to provoke the other party so that it would be convenient to dig a hole to get the handle.

   Why is it that the little girl of our sect can’t even be strangled by your neck, and your disciples can teleport and assassinate? Anyway, if you catch it, it's not a discussion or an assassination attempt.

   The sect master didn't know that the woman in Tingyin Pavilion was under Yu Qingqian's control, and it was her secret control of toxin Yinsha that affected the other party's sanity, otherwise it would be hard to laugh or cry.

   The Sect Master's words also made the beautiful woman's face even more icy and gloomy, but she didn't even think that the female disciple under her sect would suddenly attack and assassinate Yu Qingqian from behind in public. The most important thing was that she failed.

   At this time, the beautiful woman also regretted that she was a little impatient. She should not have alerted Yu Qingqian now, and questioned the other party.

   Her face was cold and she didn't say a word, showing a gesture that they were not afraid of listening to the Yin Pavilion as Gui Yuanzong did.

   Because whether she was reasoning with her disciple or scolding that disciple, she refuted what she had previously scolded Yu Qingqian and slapped herself.

  There was a bit of awkward atmosphere in the thatched cottage, which continued until the three-way exchange meeting continued.

Gu Yan's voice sounded in the small tower space, and both Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen could hear it, "Why is it so troublesome, if this woman from Tingyin Pavilion dares to attack you, or dare to rob the Nine-Colored Magic Lotus Seeds, I'll just shoot and destroy their sects."

  Yu Qing said speechlessly: "Master, you will encourage me to be arrogant and domineering all day long. What should I do if my studies fail?"

  Gu Yan rolled his eyes, "You're not a good person, but you still have to learn to be bad?"

"What's more, you are my apprentice, so what if you are arrogant and domineering? You can be arrogant and arrogant even in the upper realm, let alone in this small lower realm." Gu Yan added indifferently. a sentence.

   Although he still stayed at the cultivation level of a thousand years ago, it was not in vain to be imprisoned for more than a thousand years.

   Not only has he comprehended more laws, but he has also cultivated his mind to a very high level. He has already felt the bottleneck in the middle stage of Nirvana, and he believes that he will soon be able to break through.

  Yu Qingqian knew the master's strength, and replied with a smile: "You are the ultimate trump card for me and Feng Chen, and we don't want to expose it unless we have to."

   If you encounter such a thing, the master will be crushed, then how will you play in the future?

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