The disciples of the devil and evil ways thought that Yu Qingqian was just to scare them, and they all took out their holy weapons to prepare for a mad attack.

  Xi Ruoyu of Xuanyougu had always kept a low profile and basically never spoke before, making it difficult for people to see what he was thinking.

   When the two disciples were about to besiege the three, his face suddenly changed and he said, "No, she didn't lie."

   The two disciples stopped their movements and looked at Xi Ruoyu inexplicably.

  Because Xi Ruoyu had been following Ancestor Yin to receive various sects before, the disciples of the two paths did not have too much doubt about Xi Ruoyu's words, but were surprised by what he meant.

   "What's the matter?" As soon as the disciple of Shura Peak finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

The other disciples of   Two Dao also showed the same reaction, because they heard the sound of "rustling" breaking out of the ground outside the aperture.

   They looked around, and soon saw one long white bone hand sticking out from the ground, and then one by one skeletons drilled out completely.

  Each skeleton did not carry death aura or corpse aura, but it was filled with a strong and very suffocating aura, which surprised many disciples of the two sects.

   "What is this? It doesn't look like a corpse refining!" A disciple asked defensively and doubtfully.

   Xi Ruoyu said with a bit of solemn expression: "This is a Yin evil creature derived from the special environment of the valley. It is not the same as corpse refining. It has a high attack rate and is very difficult to deal with, everyone be careful!"

  The other four disciples of Xuanyougu also looked more serious when they saw these special Yin evil creatures. They no longer attacked the three of Yu Qingqian, but looked like they were preparing to deal with the skeletons first.

  Shurafeng and other disciples also felt that the situation was not good. They felt that these skeletons brought them a very dangerous feeling.

  Suddenly, several skeletons jumped into the circle of light and attacked a disciple of the Water Moon Palace.

   Even though that disciple was on guard, he started to attack at the same time he opened his defense.

   However, these special skeleton creatures were found to be very flexible, not only avoiding his attacks, but also very entangled.

  The two skeleton creatures directly turned into white silk and wrapped around the disciple's feet, while the other three skeletons took the opportunity to bite his arm.

   "Ah!" The disciple of Shuiyue Palace let out a scream, constantly twisting his body, waving his holy weapon to hack the creature that was entangled in him.

   But they found a terrible problem. The softness of these skeleton creatures is inexplicably high. The long sword holy weapon slashed down, leaving a mark on the skeleton creature but not even the wound.

   But that disciple was suffocated by five skeleton creatures and felt a sense of life-threatening suffocation.

   At this time, he instinctively did not believe that others could save him, but quickly crushed the number plate on his body.

As soon as the    number plate was broken, the ban on the guardian formation actively stimulated the isolation of the five skeleton creatures, and then teleported the big man out.

   The disciples in the halo all showed expressions of surprise and fear, and turned on their strongest defenses one after another.

   There was a haze in the eyes of the disciple of Shura Peak, and he turned to Xi Ruoyu and asked, "Do these special creatures have any weaknesses?"

   Xi Ruoyu sighed: "Either you have a technique to purify Yin evil, or you can form a spiritual plant with a purifying effect, but the required level is very high."

   "To deal with them, you can only focus on defense. As long as you don't allow them to combine more than five to attack together, every time they persist for more than ten breaths, the attacking special creature will automatically disappear."

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