As soon as the    picture scroll came out of the space, everyone stared intently, with a bit of curiosity in their eyes.

The    scroll is rolled up, and no one knows what is inside, including the high-rise sitting in the thatched hut above.

  Yu Qingqian felt the quaint and distant atmosphere of the picture scroll, and guessed that the reward this time must be old.

   "Master, can you see what's in that scroll?" Yu Qingqian was also curious.

  Gu Yan swept the scroll with all his heart and said, "This scroll contains a very high-level observation map of planting patterns."

   He paused and smiled and said, "You guys are lucky today, Feng Chen can continue to rob."

   Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian are both very talented in planting patterns, but in terms of understanding, Feng Chen is more attentive, so it is better than Yu Qingqian's level.

   That's why Gu Yan said that Feng Chen would go and grab it, not his precious apprentice.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen's eyes lit up when they heard Gu Yan's words.

   Planting pattern observation map is a kind of comprehension treasure. As long as you have a high comprehension and get a pair of observation pictures to figure out the true meaning inside, then the progress in planting pattern will be a flying jump.

  The plant pattern observation map can only be produced by the powerful emperors in the Nirvana realm and the **** emperor powerhouses in the eternal realm. It is also time-consuming and labor-intensive, so it is even more precious.

   "It's a bit of a pity that this planting pattern observation picture is just built and made by an emperor in the late Nirvana realm, and his own planting pattern level has not yet reached the supernatural level."

  Gu Yan touched his chin and said, "But it's still a little difficult for you now to figure it out. It's just right."

   "Well, the planting reward this time is also a good thing."

  Fengchen and Yu Qingqian agreed with the master's words. If this is a plant pattern observation map constructed and produced by an Eternal Realm God Emperor, then the difficulty is definitely too high for them, and the help will not be too much.

   It's just that the master's slightly disgusting tone made them a little helpless. The master, who was used to seeing good things, inadvertently showed off his wealth again silently.

Ancestor Yin saw that the disciples below were very curious, so he explained with a smile: "This is a plant pattern observation map constructed and produced by a strong man in the Nirvana realm, we can take it out but cannot open it. "

   "It needs people with excellent planting talent to cultivate it with spiritual power every day. When communication and contact can be established, the picture scroll can be opened and observed, so you need to strive to open it yourself."

   "All in all, this planting exchange reward is definitely a very good treasure for planting artists."

   Ancestor Yin swept a group of disciples and instructed: "Okay, I won't talk anymore. The disciples who want to participate in the planting exchange will go to the open space in front of the thatched hut to get their number plate."

   Guiyuan Zong is famous for his good at planting patterns, so thirteen of the twenty disciples got up and walked towards the thatched hut one after another.

   "Sick Beauty, I won't participate in the Zhiwen exchange. I'll leave it to you to grab the scroll back." Yu Qingqian approached Feng Chen's voice transmission.

   They are a couple, there is no need to fight for the same thing at the same time.

   At the level of planting, she is slightly inferior to the sick beauty, so she naturally let the sick beauty go for it.

   In addition, Feng Chen's talent for planting patterns is strong, and news has long been spread in Guiyuan Sect and several sects, and it is no longer a secret, so there is no hidden clumsiness.

And Yu Qingqian could just use this to hide her clumsiness in the pattern. After all, her pattern maker was only slightly inferior to Feng Chen, but she was much better than others. The two of them went to fight together. It's so eye-catching!

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