None of the high-level people present at the scene are strong in the spiritual realm, so they should either sit cross-legged in meditation, or get together to drink tea, drink and chat.

Except for the disciples of Xuanyougu and Yu Qingqian of Guiyuanzong, the nine major sects of the three ways basically went out to try their luck.

  The disciples of Xuanyougu did not go out mainly to wait for the detoxification of those who were poisoned and earn high detoxification fees.

  The three of Yu Qingqian also had the same thoughts and stayed leisurely, so in the eyes of Xuanyougu disciples, the three of them were a little annoying.

   However, in view of the outstanding performance of Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen before, and the backstage being too hard, the disciples of Xuanyougu, although they hated the Great Demon King so much in their hearts, did not take any action immediately.

   Sure enough, the sentence "Forest is dangerous, travel with caution" is not without reason.

   In less than half an hour, two disciples were poisoned and sent back to the thatched hut.

   Both of them are disciples of the Demonic Shuiyue Palace. Because of Jiang Yao's relationship, and they really hate Xuanyougu's poison, they did not hesitate to send them to the site where Guiyuanzong is located.

"Junior Sister Yu, our brothers accidentally attracted a group of poisonous bees that were stabbed into the skin by the poisonous stingers. Now I feel that my whole body's spiritual and mental power can't be used, and it's numb and itchy. Can you please help me to solve it? Poison." A big man said with a red and swollen face all over his body, which seemed to be extremely painful.

   Another big man beside him was also so red and swollen all over his face that he could hardly see his previous appearance.

  The disciples of Xuanyougu saw that two poisoned people were being carried out of the forest, and they thought that the business was coming to the door. Who knew that the two of them actually went to Yu Qingqian to detoxify, which made them angry.

"This toxin is easy to solve. Just buy a bottle of ointment from us and apply it all over your body. After two hours, the redness and swelling on your body will dissipate, and the toxin will no longer be left." One Xuanyougu The disciple came over with a bottle of ointment, blocking the two of them from looking at Yu Qingqian.

   Several disciples of Xuanyougu also came over, looking like they were watching a good show.

  Yu Qingqian crossed his arms and watched this man deliberately come to grab business, without showing any unhappy expression.

  The big man thought about it and asked, "How do you sell this ointment?"

   The disciple of Xuanyougu smiled and said, "I think you are cheaper, a bottle of 200,000 low-grade spirit essence, the two of you can completely detoxify with one bottle."

   Hearing his words, the faces of the two big men who could not have seen their appearance turned black. They had long heard that the disciples of Xuanyougu were black and deceiving, and now it seems that they are.

   "Junior Sister Yu, do you think we can cure this poison?" The big man couldn't help but tilted his head and asked Yu Qingqian.

Yu Qing chuckled lightly: "I can do it! I'll remove the toxins in a single stick of incense, and let the redness and swelling all over your body disappear. The price should be half of their price, and the 200,000 low-grade spiritual marrow will be for both of you. All detox."

   If it were changed to normal, it would be expensive to detoxify a hundred thousand low-grade spiritual marrow, but without comparison, it would not hurt.

   Compared with the disciples of Xuanyougu, the Great Demon King seems too kind.

   "Okay, then trouble Junior Sister to take action!"

   When the two big men heard that Yu Qingqian made a move, not only could they save twice as much low-grade spiritual marrow than buying ointments, but they actually took just a stick of incense to completely eliminate the redness and swelling. Agreed immediately.

   Such a comparison, a fool would choose the former.

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