Feng Chen used his unique secret technique to continuously repair the jade pendant, devoted himself to it, and was not affected by the muffled sounds around him.

   There was a constant muffled sound in the furnaces of many of the disciples present, indicating that the fusion failed, so he took it out and re-considered it.

   Not long after half an hour, a dazzling emerald green light overflowed from Feng Chen's fingertips.

   All eyes were on his hands again, and many people showed a look of surprise.

   Immediately, everyone saw Feng Chen released his hands, and an emerald green streamer flew out of his hands and spun a few times in the air.

   When the streamer settled, everyone discovered that it was the jade pendant that Feng Chen had repaired before.

   However, the jade pendant at this time has a completely new look compared to just now. The dull green color outside is not only bright but also gives a gorgeous feeling, and the cracks in the middle of the jade pendant have disappeared.

   A top-level blacksmith exclaimed in surprise: "This jade pendant has actually improved a quality after being repaired."

  A lot of high-level officials couldn't help but put their mental power on the jade pendant. They found that the jade pendant had changed from the previous low-grade holy artifact to a middle-grade holy artifact, and they breathed in exclamations.

   This kind of amazement also affected the disciples who were watching. All of them were dumbfounded. Feng Chen's forging talent was too powerful.

   Many people know that it is very difficult to repair a broken holy artifact. If you improve the quality, it will definitely be dozens of times more difficult than forging a middle-grade holy artifact yourself.

   But now Feng Chen not only did it, but also gave people a very relaxed feeling. He repaired and improved the quality of the holy artifact in less than an hour. No one else has this talent.

   There were also many rumors that Feng Chen was very powerful, but apart from being well known for his three talents, many other people didn't know Feng Chen.

  Because the Great Demon King's temperament is noisy, and Feng Chen is very low-key, so everyone will ignore Feng Chen relatively, who makes the Great Demon King shine too much.

   But since today's exchange meeting, Feng Chen has been constantly refreshing everyone's perception of him.

   Now, neither the senior leaders of the major sects nor the disciples underestimate Feng Chende in their hearts, and their fear of him is even higher than that of the Great Demon King.

   The sect master finally felt a lot of relief. This is our righteous disciple of Tianjiao, and that little girl Yu Qingqian is just a special case.

   The beautiful woman in the Tingyin Pavilion showed her admiration for Feng Chen in her eyes. Compared to the woman's Yu Qingqian, she preferred Feng Chen's temperament.

   "You Guiyuan Sect really picked up a treasure this time. I think this blacksmithing exchange meeting was held for Feng Chen."

  The beautiful woman smiled and looked at the sect master with a pity and continued: "If we Tingyin Pavilion only recruits women, otherwise I can't help but want to invite Taishang Patriarch to go to Guiyuan Sect to dig people."

   The sect master was immediately relieved when he heard this, thinking in his heart that Feng Chen was not a woman, otherwise the woman from the Tingyin Pavilion would go into action, and it was the ancestors of the Guiyuan Sect who were going to have a headache.

   "Feng Chen, our great ancestor also likes this little guy very much." He replied with a smile on his face.

  The beautiful woman chuckled: "Who doesn't like such a genius! And his temperament is also very pleasing."

  A high-level executive of Leisha Mountain heard her praise Fengchen so much, and could see that she really liked a disciple with a temperament like Fengchen.

   After turning his mind, he said, "Feng Chen is not a woman, then Yu Qingqian is a woman, you didn't want to dig it?"

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