But people who were still wondering why the Great Demon King could laugh soon knew the reason.

   The disciples of Leisha Mountain seemed to be ferocious and bloodthirsty monster plants, and they wanted to scare the little babies who were lazily lying on the Tyrannosaurus Rex, who made them look too cute and harmless at this time.

   The bodies of several demon plants grew rapidly, and the branches and vines extended to the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

   But just after the bloodthirsty aura was fiercely pressed, the brutal aura emanating from the Tyrannosaurus Rex did not spread, but rather restrained a lot.

   And the disciples looked dumbfounded, "Isn't that Tyrannosaurus rex scared by Yaozhi?"

  Other people are also confused, Tyrannosaurus Rex is actually afraid of Yaozhi? Not quite right!

   Then everyone saw a scene where their eyes almost fell out.

I saw that the small animals that were lying on the back of the Tyrannosaurus rex suddenly burst into flames when they saw the attacking monster plants, each exuding a strong bloodthirsty spirit, and the small animals immediately transformed into all kinds of very ferocious monsters they knew. .

  Except for Yan Jun and Long Shan not moving, the ferocious suffocating energy released by the little babies directly crushed the few demon plants that had the upper hand.

  Xiaoyuer swam out of Doudou's pocket and released the illusion to several demon plants.

  Everyone saw the demon plant of the disciple of Leisha Mountain, shaking extremely twisted in the forest, as if poisoned or crazy, and all reason disappeared.

   This is not enough, the ferocious beasts that the little babies transformed into did the same ferocious things.

   directly pounced on the few demon plants that had gone mad and tore and bit them, and soon a few demon plants were completely withered.

   However, because they were worried that the occasion was wrong at this time, the little babies still left a lot of love. They did not completely kill the few demon plants, leaving half-dead rhizomes.

   As long as the disciple of Leisha Mountain goes back and raises it carefully, he can still grow back, but it is hard to say whether Yaozhi will still have normal intelligence.

   "Damn it, the cuteness and cuteness of the Great Demon King's pet before is an illusion!"

   Only after the disciples sighed, everyone saw that when the poisonous insects and poisons that emerged from the forest approached the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the little babies became excited and cheerful one by one.

   instantly transformed into different birds, and quickly flew around the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

The poisonous insects and poisons around the Tyrannosaurus rex were all pecked by the birds that were transformed by the little babies. They all seemed to be eating delicious food in the world. Only the eyes of the birds showed a look of enjoyment, and they couldn't eat enough. Also happy.

   Even the powerful giant poisonous snakes and giant poisonous centipedes that emerged from the depths of the forest were scrambled by the little babies to eat them.

  "..." Seeing such a brutal and bizarre scene, everyone twitched their lips.

   I couldn't help but curse my mother in my heart. The demon pets of the Great Demon King are too demonic and cruel.

   What about cute and cute? How come it never returns!

  The disciples in Xuanyougu were completely dumbfounded. What is the situation?

   The demon pet of the Great Demon King actually likes to eat poisonous insects and poisons. Who will tell them that these are monsters that came out of nowhere!

  Other people were also confused, and it was the first time they saw Yaozhi who likes to eat poisonous insects and poisons.

   That is a super poisonous poisonous insect and poison! Aren't you afraid of being poisoned?

   "It turns out that the demon pet of the Great Demon King is just as good at playing poison as she is! These demon plants are almost going to become essences!" Someone finally discovered and told the truth.

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