The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1782: This is the style of the big devil

   The others couldn't help but count the cute and lovable monster plants around Yu Qingqian, and it turned out to be forty-one.

  Yu Qingqian originally formed a contract with thirty-nine monster plants, and then added ivy and Longshan to make up forty-one plants, which is indeed a very impressive number.

   Other problems were soon discovered.

   "Not only did the Great Demon King befriend forty-one monster plants, but I found that the bloodlines of these monster plants are all emperors. It's not that I'm blinded or mentally misjudged."

   "You didn't make a mistake because I sensed it too."

   "And the forty-one monster plants that look like the Great Demon King are all different varieties, with different special attributes and abilities."

   "Sure enough, this is like the style of the Great Demon King, we were almost deceived by her just now!"

   "Ahhh! The Great Demon King is too mighty, I decided that she will be the one I want to chase and surpass in the future." A disciple of Shura Peak couldn't help shouting excitedly.

  Many people cast a "you're an idiot" look at him, but it didn't dampen his determination to make the Great Demon King an object of worship and overtaking.

   The ones who were most impressed were the disciples and high-level officials of the evil Dao Shura Peak, because what Shura Peak is best at is to form bonds and control the demon plants, and it is famous for this.

In the thatched hut above   , the eyes of the gorgeous woman in golden robe led by Shura Peak were full of light.

   "The little girl is really too magical. It would be too wasteful and wasteful to stay in the Guiyuan Sect for such a talent. We, Shura Peak, are more suitable."

   The sect master has not calmed down from the shock of Yu Qingqian's release of so many demon plants, when he finds that there is another person who wants to dig a foot in the wall.

   He didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

  Why the potential talent revealed by the little girl is not related to the right way, but it is either close to the magic way or the evil way.

   Can we still carry forward the fame of Guiyuan Sect...

   "The suitability is not necessarily based on the talent and potential shown, you think too much." The suzerain replied with a smile.

   He was inexplicably accustomed to the other high-level sect leaders who wanted to dig up Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen's ideas.

   The gorgeous woman in golden clothes chuckled charmingly: "Really?"

   After she finished speaking, she immediately sent a message to one of the great ancestors of Shura Peak, and recounted what had just happened.

   The suzerain's face turned black, these people are really too much.

   They, Guiyuan Sect, never wanted to dig the foothold of that sect. Why did they finally receive two disciples with good talent and potential, and these people started to make up their minds one after another.

  The middle-aged man with a soft face in the Soul Hall did not speak or send a message, but just shook his head slightly with a pity on his face.

   A girl like this, if she is not under the influence of evil, and runs to the right path, is simply a waste of time.

   However, he also knew very well that such a talented disciple, the high-level Guiyuan Sect would not be able to let other sects dig it out, so he did not make unnecessary attempts.

  Yu Qingqian finished comforting the monster pets, and then released Doudou, the fat cat, and the spirit of plants and trees who had been so noisy for a long time.

Doudou maintains the appearance of a little monkey, but the hideous ghost face on his back can be seen as long as you look carefully. The elf image of the Spirit of Plants and Trees is so deep that everyone can recognize its identity at a glance, but the fat cat is not recognized by anyone. what species.

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