The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1777: They also have the big devil

   The provocative eyes cast by the disciples of Lei Chashan were not only aimed at Yu Qingqian, but at all the disciples of Guiyuan Sect.

   The other disciples of Leisha Mountain also cast provocative glances one after another, meaning that your Guiyuan Sect has the ability to surpass us!

   The disciples of Guiyuan Sect were all **** off by the provocative eyes, and scolded in their hearts: What the hell, you have the ability to compete with our Great Demon King.

   I suddenly reacted at the thought of this, yes! They also have the Great Demon King.

However, although it was a sudden thought, the disciples of Guiyuan Sect still did not dare to hold out much hope. After all, Yu Qingqian had never heard of anyone who was powerful in other aspects except for the three talents that were of heaven and the ability to play poison. .

   And Huo Fei, who had seen Yu Qingqian's little treasures before, couldn't help but show excitement in their eyes. The disciples of Lei Chashan were so proud, the demon of the Great Demon King was completely crushed!

   But it didn't show on his face. They were still waiting to blind the disciples of several sects.

  Every sect goes out on a regular basis, first the most outstanding talents from the inner sect, and then the outer sect disciples.

   The most outstanding genius in the Guiyuan Sect who participated in the Three Dao Exchange Conference this time was Lin Mingze. He still had a gentle smile on his face, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

   After going out, he was also surprised, but it was completely opposite to the kind of surprise he gave to Yu Zisu and others before.

  Because he released only one spiritual plant, it was still the kind of refined spiritual plant with a bad quality and tasteless dark system.

  Lin Mingze released the spiritual plant and did not continue. He walked back to the Guiyuan Sect's team calmly.

Except for Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, all the disciples in the Guiyuan Sect showed a stunned expression, and then there was a look that couldn't be looked directly at and couldn't believe.

   Their Senior Brother Lin only had a bond with such a tasteless spiritual plant, which is too exaggerated.

   is to randomly pick out a spiritual plant master from those first- and second-rate families. Even if you only bond with one spiritual plant, it should not be so tasteless.

  The disciples of Leisha Mountain laughed unabashedly, with a strong sense of ridicule.

   "Tsk tsk, it turns out that this is the spiritual plant of the Guiyuan Sect's inner sect Tianjiao! It's really special."

   "The bond between this spiritual plant is so special, I'm afraid I can't find a second plant here."

"Ha ha……"

   As the disciples of Lei Chashan laughed, the disciples of other sects could not help but feel extremely speechless.

   How on earth did Lin Mingze become a disciple of Guiyuan Sect's inner sect Tianjiao?

   Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian only laughed, of course they knew why Lin Mingze only had such a bad quality and tasteless spirit plant, that was because he was just a corpse refiner!

   Do you expect a corpse to become a spiritual planter with all attributes? Do not make jokes!

   However, the people present did not know the cause and effect, so Lin Mingze's image in many people's hearts plummeted.

  Lin Mingze didn't matter at all, he was just a corpse refiner, and he rarely felt pride and loss. Not to mention that he had been an inner sect genius for so many years, and he felt more and more boring.

   This time, his mission changed, and from then on, he completely became the shadow of Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen. He just took this opportunity to disappoint people, and then gradually faded out of the vision of Guiyuanzong Tianjiao disciples.

   Then the inner disciples of Guiyuan Sect walked out of the thatched hut one after another and released their spiritual plants and pets.

The one with the most    is only a bond with eleven spiritual plants, and the attributes are still repeated, so he is still pressed by the disciples of Leisha Mountain.

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