The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1771: Refining corpses also has dignity

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen had refined the red thread that controlled Lin Mingze, and had a deep connection with each other.

  Yu Changfeng also taught them a set of corpse refining methods. He didn't have to learn it thoroughly, but he could have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of corpse refining and better control Lin Mingze.

   "Do you have something to tell us, Senior Brother?" Yu Qingqian took out the tea set and started making tea.

  Lin Mingze's eyes were dyed a faint scarlet red, and a corpse aura emanated from his body, which he deliberately didn't want to hide in front of the two new masters, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen.

  Yu Qingqian discovered that her great-grandfather's corpse refining technique was really amazing and powerful. Even she was so sensitive to corpse qi. After spending so much time with Lin Mingze, she really hadn't noticed the corpse qi on his body.

   It is also possible that there is a big essential difference between the refining corpse of the magic way and the zombie in the abyss.

   No wonder Lin Mingze was an elite genius who had sneaked into the inner sect in the Guiyuan Sect, and no one could see that he was actually a highly intelligent corpse refiner.

"I have two things for you today, one is to let you gradually adapt to my true identity, it seems that you have a good adaptability, and there is no surprise or fear, which also makes me very happy to be your shadow. "

   It could be seen that Lin Mingze was in a really good mood. Although he was a corpse refiner, he had long since developed high wisdom and spirit power.

  If the new owner resents or fears the corpse aura and the real side he exudes, then it is really difficult for him to protect the two of them. After all, corpse refining is also dignified.

He paused and continued: "Second thing, I want to tell you a piece of news, the inner sect Tianjiao disciples in Xuanyougu have been united, secretly formed a covenant, and are going to focus on the two of you at the three exchange conferences. People, and will still poison the disciples of other sects to make money."

   "You don't have to be afraid, but you can take the opportunity to realize your previous plan. If you need assistance, just send me a voice transmission."

  Lin Mingze also taught the two of them a special spiritual sound transmission method for corpse refining. Even in the presence of a strong man like Gu Yan, he would be able to detect and spy in front of him. It was very safe.

   "Brother said that what we want is their targeting and calculations, and we are afraid that they will not come."

   Yu Qing paused and said, "Of course, if it's useful for Senior Senior Brother, we will definitely not be polite."

   It just so happened that she made a cup of tea and handed it to Lin Mingze.

  Lin Mingze took the teacup and looked at the bright yellow and clear tea soup in a tangled state.

   Yu Qingqian chuckled and asked, "Do you not like the taste of this spirit tea?"

  Lin Mingze also showed a real corpse refining temperament at this time. He nodded and said truthfully: "We corpse refining actually don't like these mellow flavors or foods. We drank tea before just to pretend."

   His appearance at this time has not changed, but he has a sense of dazedness occasionally revealed by corpse refining, especially the tangled expression inexplicably makes Yu Qingqian feel a little cute.

   "Since Senior Brother doesn't like it, don't drink it."

  Yu Qingqian took the teacup back from his hand and said, "In the future, senior brother will not need to hide in front of us, just show the most real you!"

  Since Lin Mingze chose to show his truest self in front of them, they were extremely happy.

   Similarly, they will show their truest side in front of each other, which is mutual respect.

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