Huo Fei briefly talked to Yu Qingqian about the three exchange meetings.

   "You guys already know the specifics. I'm going to visit Xiang Qing now, so I'll say goodbye!" Huo Fei got up and said to the two of them.

   His goal of finding the two of them has been achieved, and after returning, he will be able to communicate with Gong Xuan and the others.

   "Okay, let's go, just let us know if something happens." Feng Chen nodded.

  After Huo Fei and Huo Ling left, Yu Qingqian went to Gu Yan's room.

  Gu Yan leaned lazily on a soft chair and drank sake, with peach blossom eyes and lustrous black eyes, as if he could talk, and his smiles and smiles were so charming that he looked like a male goblin.

   "Ouch! Beauty!" This little thing, the spirit of plants and trees, was hooked.

  The Spirit of Plants and Trees jumped off Yu Qingqian's shoulders and quickly climbed onto Gu Yan's shoulders. His eyes were full of infatuation, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be drooling.

  Yu Qing lightly stroked his forehead, the little guy finally got serious for a while, and as soon as he saw the big beauty, he appeared.

Gu Yan raised his head and drank the wine from the glass, a drop of wine flowed down the corner of his lips, wearing a loose red robe just exposed his delicate and beautiful collarbone, the drop of wine first slipped on the collarbone before falling into the collar of the shirt , to see the little thing drooling.

  Yu Qingqian was also stunned, but there was no emotion in her eyes other than surprise. She found that if Master Aojiao was released, he would not only be able to fascinate a large number of women, but also a large number of men.

   Feng Chen's face turned dark, and he couldn't help coughing: "Master, you better restrain yourself."

  Gu Yan let out a low laugh, stretched out his hand and pulled the loose robes on his body, his voice was melodious and sexy, but also somewhat charming, "You are really old-fashioned, how did my precious apprentice like you in the first place?"

  Yu Qingqian turned his head to look at Feng Chen, who was equally handsome and extraordinary, and said with a smile, "I actually liked his beauty first."

   She has always been a face control, if it wasn't for the sick beauty when she was a child, she would not be willing to rely on him every day because of the toxins in his body.

   Of course, back then, Yu Qingqian was just playing around with Feng Chen, and he never thought that one day he would really fall in love with that pretty boy who was cold-faced and poisonous but only soft-hearted towards her.

  Gu Yan became interested, "Aren't you two childhood sweethearts? Did you fall in love with him when he was a child?"

  Yu Qingqian raised his chin proudly, "That's right, otherwise, he doesn't know who will fall for this great beauty, how could he be trusted by me, it shows that I have vision since I was a child."

  Gu Yan gave her a funny look, "Stinky girl is not ashamed!"

  Feng Chen also showed a bit of helplessness and doting. Thinking of that smart and cute little man who often looked at him dumbfounded, he still finds it funny when he thinks about it.

   Yu Qing replied with a smile: "What is shame? Can you eat it?"

   "If I was ashamed, my sick beauty might have escaped my grasp at that time." She joked.

   Feng Chen looked at her with a chuckle, "Actually, you've already liked me since you were a child."

   "When you were young, I was greedy for your beauty, and when you grew up, I was even more shocked by your beauty. From now on, I can't pull it out." Yu Qingqian said half-jokingly.

  Gu Yan poured another glass of wine for himself, and said angrily, "Tsk tsk, go to your own room and slowly go to your own room to show your affection. What kind of affection are you showing in front of me, a lonely man?"

   The relationship between the baby apprentice and Feng Chen was so good that he couldn't help but envy.

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