After a few people returned to the sect, they went to hand in the task first, and everyone got a large amount of contribution points.

   A few days later, the sect master called a few people over.

After    and others gathered, the sect master sent six space rings to several people.

   "This is the compensation from the Yin family and the other six family members to you. I divided it into six equal parts, one for each of you. Because some spiritual objects or materials are not easy to divide, they are all converted into spiritual essence."

"I have placed the contribution value exchange office in a separate place for those things. If you need it, you can take the spirit marrow to exchange it at the sect. If there is any leftover after a month, it will be open to other disciples to exchange the spirit essence. ."

   After getting the space ring, several people swept the spiritual essence inside, and they all showed satisfied smiles.

  Yu Qingqian discovered that there were 3 million low-grade spiritual marrow and 1 million middle-grade spiritual marrow in the space ring, and the smile in his eyes deepened.

  The number of spiritual marrow of the seven people adds up, and they should have dug up more than half of the property of those families. Gui Yuanzong is really dark, but she likes it.

   Looking at Yu Qingqian's wide-eyed smile, the Sect Master showed a helpless smile on his lips.

   This little guy looks like a money fan, no wonder he can't help but make a fuss outside to improve his talents and make money.

"By the way, the soul cards of the ancestors of the Yin family and the other six ancestors have been broken, which proves that the great power who saved you before had killed them at that time. You really can't think of any clues about the people who saved you?" The Sect Master glanced at a few people with a serious face.

   The sect was very curious about the identity of the almighty, and the almighty who was able to kill seven people in the Heavenly Spirit Realm at one time was very likely to be a powerhouse in the Healing Spirit Realm.

   "We fainted at the time, and we didn't know which senior saved us, otherwise I would like to thank the senior." Huo Fei smiled bitterly.

   Others also showed wry smiles and grateful expressions, including Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen.

  Sect Master was silent for a moment and said: "It's okay, such a master comes and goes without a trace. Since he left, it means that he doesn't want to see you or reveal his identity, so don't think about it."

   "Yes!" Several people said in unison.

  The sect master thought for a while and said, "The exchange conference of the three ways is coming in a year, so you should stop going out to the sect to do tasks, and concentrate on practicing for a while."

   After he finished speaking, he deliberately looked at Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen with a deep meaning.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were the highlights of Gui Yuanzong at this exchange conference. He hoped that the two would not spend any more time on making trouble this year, so he reminded them.

   "Disciple obeys!" Apart from Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen being a little curious, Huo Fei and the others were all familiar with the exchange conference.

   Sect Master waved his hand, "Okay, you all go back!"

   "Yes! Disciple retire!"

   After walking out of the council hall and walking for a distance, Yu Qingqian looked at Feng Chen helplessly and said, "Why do I think the last sentence of the sect master was deliberately said to us?"

  Huo Fei chuckled from the side: "Nonsense, the sect master gave you two a special look, the purpose is to make you calm down this year and stop causing trouble."

  Yu Qingqian pouted, "We never cause trouble, everything troubles us."

   "..." The few people looked at the sky in silence, wondering who caused the swarms of people from the poison hall and the station.

   They also discovered that the Great Demon King and Feng Chen have the halo of causing trouble, and it is difficult to calm down wherever they go.

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