Speaking of the abyss and hell, Huo Fei and the others talked about some things they had gone to to experience the disciples.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen listened very carefully, and they were stunned when they learned that Taishang Patriarch once came back from the abyss and **** and guessed that he was promoted to the Spiritual Realm.

  The people who have cultivated in the spiritual realm are all called Taishang ancestors in the sect. Only one person will be specially responsible for the affairs of the sect.

  The current Taishang Patriarch, who is in charge of sect affairs, was a very adventurous person back then, but he has accumulated a lot over the years.

  With the example of Taishang Patriarch, every time the disciples in Guiyuan Sect went to the abyss, there were usually more disciples than other sects.

   Several people talked about it, and Wei Jie received a summons.

After reading the interrogation, he smiled at Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian and said, "Junior Sister Yu, Junior Brother Feng, our Wei family members who want to improve their talents and engrave plant patterns have arrived, do you know when you will have free time? I let them visit."

   "We have time at any time, starting today or tomorrow." Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen looked at each other and said.

   Their cultivation base has advanced to the middle stage of the human spirit realm, and it is impossible for them to improve further in a short period of time. Recently, they should focus on making extra money.

   Wei Jie was overjoyed, "Haha, Junior Brother and Junior Sister are really cool people, then I'll let them come over this afternoon."

   "Okay!" Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen did not ask if doing these things at the station would cause a strong reaction from the sect, presumably Wei Jie and others would settle it.

   The two readily agreed, which also made Gong Xuan and Fu Ling happy.

  The members of their family will also arrive in Mingyang County in the next day or two. Before, they were worried that Yu Qingqian and the two would not want to take private jobs because of the impact of the interception incident. Now it seems that they are overly concerned.

   In the following days, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen would improve their talents and engrave plant patterns for Wei Jie and several other family disciples every day, and their yard in the whole station was very lively every day.

  In addition to Wei Jie's family, there are also many families or individuals who come here to ask them to improve their talents and engrave plant patterns. They will visit every day.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen are not all family members who will receive them. Huo Fei picks out some of them to take orders, while others decline them.

   This has also caused more people to come here, and it is deeply reflected in the fact that things are rare and precious.

   The entire Guiyuanzong's residence in Mingyang County is full of people coming in and out every day, bustling and lively.

  The manager and several stewards were also quite helpless, but they didn't say much, which was the default attitude.

After the news of   's return to Yuanzong, many diehards raised their opinions on Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen's behavior, such as "too outrageous", and asked them to stop being so ostentatious outside.

   But in the end, he was silenced by the words of the ancestor Taishang, "It's not bad for two little guys to be active outside. By the way, let other sects know that there are two more evil geniuses in our sect. Let them be envious." And shut up.

   Afterwards, as more and more clan forces and loose cultivators went to Mingyang County, the major inns in Mingyang County were full every day, and even many demons and evil ways came here.

   Even at the gate of Guiyuanzong's residence, many people fought because of queuing or competing for places to improve talents and inscribe plant patterns.

For more than a month, the Mingyang County Master and the head of the sect were miserable. In the end, the sect saw that the two were too noisy before sending a summons. Now that Yu Qingqian and the others have completed the task, Then you can go back.

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