Not only the ancestor of the Yin family was seriously injured because of the sound fluctuation, but the six ancestors of the Heavenly Spirit Realm behind him were also injured and vomited blood.

   The ancestors of the Yin family and the six ancestors looked horrified and looked up in the air.

   I saw a handsome man in red with exquisite facial features and a diamond-shaped black gemstone embedded in the center of the eyebrows standing in the air, and the whole person looked extremely evil.

   The coercion and aura of his whole body were all restrained, and the whole person standing with his hands behind his back was more dazzling than the sun.

   "This, how is this possible." The ancestor of the Yin family lost his voice when he looked at the enchanting man in red.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen had a happy look on their faces when they saw the red-clothed handsome man. The power in their bodies that was about to prepare for a riot instantly looked like a deflated ball.

   "Master!" Blood spilled from Yu Qing's shallow lips, and she looked at Gu Yan with a wide-eyed smile.

  Gu Yan looked down at Yu Qing, whose pale white robe was stained red with blood, with traces of blood on his lips. His brows were furrowed, and his eyes were full of distress.

   He pointed at Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, and the wounds on the two of them began to heal in an instant, and the entangled internal organs were injected with a coolness, which made them feel much more comfortable.

   "Xiao Qingqing, I will vent my anger for you because of my teacher." Gu Yan's originally handsome and calm face suddenly became more angry.

   He raised his head and looked at the seven ancestors of the Yin family coldly, his eyes narrowed: "You guys are really brave, how dare you hurt my apprentice to such a degree."

  The foreheads of the seven ancestors of the Yin family were covered with fine sweat, and their faces were extremely pale, "Senior, spare your life, we didn't know that Yu Qingqian was the senior's apprentice."

  The ancestor of the Yin family is almost regretful now. If he had known such a terrifying existence, he would not have caught up.

   He is a cultivation base in the late Heavenly Spirit Realm. If he encounters the great power in the early days of Heling Realm, he still has the means to escape, but the aura he just exuded has obviously surpassed that of Heling Realm.

  Although the ancestor of the Yin family had never encountered a powerful emperor in the Nirvana realm, he once watched a crystal ball with a picture of a powerful emperor, and the aura of the man above was very close to the man in red.

   At this moment, he couldn't give birth to any rebellious thoughts.

   I never imagined when two little brats from the lower realms would come to such a big backer.

  The powerhouses in the Nirvana realm can slaughter even a sect like Guiyuanzong under the power of anger, not to mention that they are only a few small heavenly spirit realms.

  Gu Yan sneered: "It's too late!"

   Immediately raised his hand and grabbed it at will, the bodies of the seven ancestors, including the ancestors of the Yin family, exploded in mid-air in an instant, their flesh and blood splashed, and the appearance of death was very cruel.

   The villain transformed into the spirit power of the seven people fled around in terror.

  Gu Yan's eyes were dyed with a bit of disdain, and seven clusters of flames with special power flew out with a flick of his fingertips.

   In an instant, only the screams were constantly heard in the air everywhere, and soon the souls of the seven people were burnt out by the flames, which also means that the hope of reincarnation of the seven people was also extinguished with the flames.

   Seeing that Gu Yan easily killed the seven Heavenly Spirit Realm cultivation powers with a snap of his fingers, both Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were stunned.

  Gu Yan walked down slowly and gracefully from mid-air, standing in front of Yu Qingqian and the two of them with a slight smile on Jun's face, "What? You were dumbfounded by the harsh methods of your teacher?"

   Yu Qingqian blinked, "Master, you are too fierce."

  Gu Yan chuckled: "It's just a matter of dealing with a few little guys in the Heavenly Spirit Realm, it won't take much effort."

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