Yu Qingqian's poison reward is 100,000 low-grade spiritual marrow, mainly because there are not too many disciples in the outer sect who really need to improve their talent from Huang to Xuan-grade, and they are mainly candidates.

   Many of those disciples were not rich in financial resources or contribution value, and Yu Qingqian didn't want to blackmail these people, so he set a reward that everyone could accept.

   Her main purpose is to use the poison that can enhance her talent to publicize the poison hall, and it will also make the high-level sect pay more attention.

   Feng Chen's proposal was higher than Yu Qingqian's poison, which was based on the market price of Xuanpin's plant pattern engraving. After all, Xuanpin's plant pattern inscription was definitely more marketable than the poison that promoted Huangpin to Xuanpin.

  Gu He has a deep background, plus his usual temperament is very adventurous, and he is very rich and well-off.

   "Okay, there is no problem with the 150,000 Spiritual Essence, so let Junior Brother Feng provide the materials." He didn't lack Spiritual Essence, so he didn't bother to collect it himself.

   Feng Chen said with a light smile: "Okay, then please Senior Brother Gu to summon Lingzhi first."

   "Okay!" Gu He's mind moved, and a strong spiritual plant like steel appeared in front of everyone. The color of the plant was rust red.

   Feng Chen walked to Lingzhi's side and used his mental power to comfort him.

   Lingzhi's mood, who was originally manic and restless, gradually calmed down, which surprised Gu Hedu slightly.

   You must know that this Lingzhi plant took a lot of effort to conquer the bond, and his temperament is very unrestrained. He didn't expect Feng Chen to have two brushes.

"Senior Brother Gu, in addition to being good at strength, this spiritual plant should also be good at hiding. I can combine and superimpose the abilities of these two spiritual plants. What do you think?" Feng Chen used his mental power to check it out. The general situation of Lingzhi.

   His words surprised Gu He again. He also found out that Lingzhi has the special ability to hide after he formed a contract, but he didn't expect Feng Chen to see it now.

   Originally, I just wanted to use this to make friends with Yu Qingqian, and I wanted to inscribe a power superimposed plant pattern for Lingzhi first, but now I can't help but take a serious attitude.

   "No problem, I'm really worried about how to combine the two abilities of Lingzhi. Who would have thought that Junior Brother Feng would be so careful, I'm naturally very happy."

Gu He is usually a very arrogant evil star, but he is also a person of extraordinary mind, and he is a little more polite and respectful to Feng Chen's attitude, "Junior Brother Feng can do it as he pleases, as he is powerful, I will do it. I believe that Junior Sister Yu's vision for finding someone, her husband will not be wrong."

   Feng Chen chuckled lightly: "Thanks to my senior brother's trust, I will definitely do my best."

  Since he decided to steal the business of the Blue Dragon Society through planting and forging, he will play it well in front of everyone today, so that they can remember it fresh.

   "Okay, trouble junior brother!"

  The pattern of the plant pattern to be inscribed has been continuously formed in Feng Chen's sea of ​​knowledge, and he quickly took out the materials needed for inscription and quickly refined it.

   These materials are still found by Jiuxing, so the quality is good.

   Everyone looked at Feng Chen's skillful and smooth movements, and their eyes went straight.

   They suddenly felt like they were in a cloud and mist. A Yu Qingqian was already amazing enough, so he wouldn't come out with another Fengchen to attack them.

  After Feng Chen started to move, the number of high-level people in the inner and outer gates of the drugstore gradually increased.

   Even the high-level officials who had not been involved in the world before were shocked when they received the news of the summons, and they all used their mental power to probe into the poison hall to investigate for themselves.

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