The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1655: I see you are not pleasing to the eye

  Gu He's words didn't make much sense to most of the people present, because they never thought to provoke Yu Qingqian.

   Now that Yu Qingqian has shown the ability to improve his talent, it is even more impossible for them to fight against Yu Qingqian.

   After all, among the disciples of the outer sect, there are very few people with the three earth-grade talents, and most of them have profound-grade talents.

   If one day Yu Qingqian can raise the talent of Xuanpin to the ground, then all of them need to ask her, and the fool will deliberately be evil with her.

   But Jiao Yu's face quickly turned dark. He didn't expect Yu Qingqian to be able to extract this kind of poison that can change people's talent. Now, with Gu He's words, he really needs to weigh it up if he wants to do it.

   The disciple who came to find fault saw that Gu He raised Huang Pin's talent to Xuan Pin on the spot, and couldn't help but get excited.

   "Junior Sister Yu, I also want to raise Huang Pin's spiritual power talent to Xuanpin, and I can give you the 100,000 low-grade spiritual essence after raising the talent." He looked at Yu Qingqian and said, as if I was a big customer.

  Yu Qingqian chuckled, but there was no smile in his eyes, "Forgive me for not being able to improve this senior brother's talent, you should find someone else if you have a chance."

   The disciple's face changed, "Why can't I improve my talent?"

   "Because I have always been very principled in doing things, I only shoot at people who are pleasing to the eye. You have always wanted to find fault with my drug hall or provoke right and wrong. I will improve your cultivation for you when I am cheap."

   Yu Qingqian's personality as a monster genius was highlighted at this time, "What's more, do you think I'm the kind of person who bows to the spirits? You offended me, you want to send the beggars with one hundred thousand spirits."

   She said it very bluntly. For those who find fault or dislike it, there is no way to improve their talents.

   The face of the disciple who found fault sank, "Junior Sister Yu, I just questioned your poison before, so it can't be called finding fault."

   Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows: "I just hate other people's doubts, why can't I? Who told you to do that, I just think you're not pleasing to the eye, what are you going to do?"

   "You!" The disciple who found fault choked.

  Gu He frowned at the disciple who found fault with his eyes, "Don't be rude. Since Junior Sister Yu doesn't like you and doesn't want to shoot, you should get out."

   Gu He has always been very rude to people who don't care.

   The disciple who found fault did not dare to oppose or talk back to Gu He at all, and as soon as his mind changed, he immediately cast an inquiring look at Jiao Yu.

   Jiao Yu saw his behavior, and cursed a fool in his heart, ignoring it.

   If he gestured to this person now, wouldn’t it mean that the mastermind behind the scenes was himself, and he wasn’t so stupid yet.

   The disciple who found faults saw Jiao Yu cast a cold look at him, and his back couldn't help but feel cold.

   So, in the eyes of everyone joking and watching the joke, he could only leave in a dejected and decisive manner.

   I scolded Jiao Yu's ancestor for the eighteenth generation in his heart. If it wasn't for this person's instructions, how could he offend Yu Qingqian, and now he has cut off the possibility of improving his talent.

   After the disciple who found fault left, the disciples present had a realization in their hearts that Yu Qingqian was not a good character at all, and those who offended her would never have good fruit to eat.

   Being so arrogant and wanton in public makes people unable to come down from the stage, but everyone feels that her actions are not wrong.

  People simply disdain to do any superficial work or pretend to be a snake. No wonder the nickname is called the Great Demon King, and his behavior is really too magical.

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