When the effect of the medicine started to take effect, Yu Qingqian put two turquoise light **** in his hands and pushed them into Gu He's body.

   She stood behind Gu He, her fingertips constantly wandering, guiding the effect of the wood-based supernatural auxiliary poison to the best effect.

   Talent is also divided into quality. For example, the darker the blue color of the mysterious spiritual talent test on the test stone, the better the mysterious talent of the person.

  Yu Qingqian improved Ye Cheng before, but he only managed to raise Ye Cheng's profound talent to an intermediate level, which is still far from the peak.

   It's not that Yu Qingqian didn't try his best, but that Ye Cheng's own conditions simply couldn't bear such a drastic improvement.

Gu He is on the contrary, his physical quality is very strong, and he has a strong evil spirit in his body that can be combined with the effect of poison. Therefore, as long as Yu Qingqian guides and assists, it is entirely possible to raise his Huangpin talent to the peak of Xuanpin. Excellent class.

   As time went by, more and more disciples gathered in the shop, and even many people could not squeeze in and looked outside the shop, and even the whole street was crowded.

   Countless spiritual powers were probed from all directions, all of which were done by the high-levels of the inner and outer sects.

   The remaining three gang masters have also rushed to the store, and when the three arrive, naturally some disciples will give up their seats and let them in.

   After Jiao Yu entered the poison hall, his eyes fell directly on Yu Qingqian's body, and his eyes were full of evil.

  The leader of the White Tiger Gang, Wei Jie, was a tall and straight young man with a wild and uninhibited temperament. He watched Yu Qingqian's treatment with great interest.

  The gang leader of the Xuanwu Gang, Gong Xuan, was a handsome man with a crown like jade. His temperament gave people a feeling of spring breeze. His eyes fell on Feng Chen more often, and he obviously paid more attention to Feng Chen.

   Feng Chen naturally noticed the demeanor of the three people who had arrived. He was still cold and indifferent, and when he looked at Jiao Yu, there was a little more veiled murderous intent, but no one noticed.

   As time passed, everyone saw Gu He, who was sitting on the chair, trembling constantly, his brows furrowed as if he was suppressing some pain, but he didn't make any sound.

Ye Cheng has experienced the pain of improving and improving talent at one stage, watching Gu He improve and improve two talents at the same time, although it is painful, he can still be suppressed, and he is suffering double the pain, but he does not fall asleep like him but still endure As he stayed awake, he couldn't help but feel admiration.

   Really deserves to be the evil star of the outer door, this kind of temperament and patience are really powerful.

  The people present kept watching, and occasionally there were people whispering.

  Most people have the attitude of watching the play, and some of them are constantly cursing Yu Qingqian in their hearts for failing to improve Gu He's talent. Among these people, Jiao Yu, the leader of the Qinglong Gang, is the leader.

Next, Yu Qing's shallow wood-based supernatural function helped Gu He to clean up the waste deposited in the meridians, cut Ye Cheng's ten fingers, and droplets of black turbidity flowed down from his fingertips, and it didn't stop until the blood began to drip. And use the healing power to heal his wounds.

   After another hour, the transformation of the poison in Gu He's body was completed, and Yu Qing's shallow eyes were filled with a little smile.

   The movements in his hands increased and sped up a lot, and all the residual poison from Gu He's body after he had improved his talent was eliminated, and then the wood-type abilities that acted on Gu He were withdrawn.

   "Senior Brother Gu has a tough heart and strong physical fitness. You can see the results within an hour. Everyone, please wait patiently." Yu Qingqian explained that everyone was staring at him closely.

   She still spent a lot of effort to use the wood-type ability to guide the dredging, her face was a little pale, she walked to the seat next to Feng Chen and sat down and closed her eyes to rest.

  Others didn't say much when they saw this, they just changed their direction and stared at Gu He, watching when he would open his eyes, waiting to see if his talent had been improved successfully.

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