The materials needed to engrave the plant pattern of Xuanpin are very high-level. The materials Feng Chen brought from the lower world and the high-level materials collected during the mission for more than half a year, he used for experiments when he was studying. There are not many left.

   When Huo Ling heard Feng Chen's confident words, he couldn't help but believe it. In addition, he knew that Feng Chen had the kind of unequivocal temperament, so he immediately nodded wildly.

   "If it can superimpose the boosting effect of 30% of the speed, it is a small problem to provide materials."

   He continued: "You give me a list, and I'll get it for you now."

  Huo Ling's temperament is usually relatively calm, but he found that since he met Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian, two people who often didn't play cards according to the order, he became unstable.

   Feng Chen could also guess Huo Ling's curiosity that he couldn't wait, so he used his mental power to write a list on the jade slip and hand it to Huo Ling, "All the required materials are inside."

  Huo Ling took the jade slip and looked at it again, "I have 80% of the materials in it."

   Then he handed the jade slip to Huo Fei and said, "I have marked all the materials I have, and you can see if there are any other materials."

  If Huo Fei didn't have these materials, he could only use the power of the gang to mobilize quickly.

  Huo Fei read it again and chuckled: "You are lucky, I happen to have all the missing materials."

  Huo Ling's eyes lit up, "That's great!"

   The two gathered the materials, and Feng Chen began to refine them.

   Refining all the materials into a very high-quality powder, Feng Chen took out a pattern-planting pen and began to carefully inscribe it on the branches of Huo Ling's wind-type spirit plant.

  A man who works hard is the most attractive, not to mention a man like Feng Chen, who has a clean temperament and a handsome appearance, is even more attractive.

   Seeing him carefully and carefully sketching the pattern, even Huo Fei and Huo Ling couldn't help but be fascinated.

  Especially Huo Fei, who is a mysterious planter himself, and felt the deepest feeling when Feng Chen sketched the plant pattern.

   From the initial observation to surprise, at the end, I was a little dumbfounded.

  Huo Ling was fascinated by Feng Chen's admiration. Huo Fei was completely in a state of mystery because of Feng Chen's handwriting.

   "It turns out that this kind of texture map can also be outlined like this!"

   "Hey, there is actually such a new method, amazing!"

   "This kind of texture is added here to make it clearer, how could I have never thought of it."

  Huo Fei muttered a few words from time to time, his eyes fixed on Feng Chen without missing a single detail.

   Feng Chen's movements were smooth and familiar, and it only took more than an hour to outline the pattern engraved on Lingzhi.

  When the last stroke was completed, the whole planting pattern was like the finishing touch, emitting a dazzling silver light, and then the entire pattern was submerged into Huo Linglingzhi's body.

   Soon, a rune appeared on Huo Ling's Lingzhi branch. It seemed to be very comfortable, and he couldn't help but raise his head and called out a few times.

  Huo Ling couldn't wait to integrate it into his body, and tried it with the power of Lingzhifeng attribute.

   Then there was an unbelievable look in his eyes, "Oh my god! You actually superimposed the effect of the speed increase by 40%, and your talent in planting patterns is too sturdy!"

   If you take out this kind of planting talent, it will definitely not have less impact than Yu Qingqian's miraculous healing technique.

   Those old immortals of the sect are afraid that they will not be able to sit still.

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