Just because Feng Chen's temperament is relatively cold and introverted, low-key and deep, and willing to stand silently behind Yu Qingqian to protect her from the wind and rain, Yu Qingqian seems to be a lot more noisy and publicized.

   But Huo Fei never underestimated Feng Chen, because this man gave him a very dangerous feeling.

   Therefore, he couldn't help but look forward to Feng Chen's proposal to take the initiative.

   Feng Chen didn't answer and asked: "Master, is the biggest source of income of the Qinglong Club in the outer city is forging and planting patterns?"

   "That's right, the several sacred artifacts forged by the Qinglong Club are very popular. Selling plant-patterned talismans makes a lot of money for spiritual plants and weapons with planting patterns."

  Huo Fei continued: "Every time there is a new entry disciple, the Qinglong Gang will attract talents in forging and planting, so they can take the position of the strongest gang in the outer city."

   "By the way, Jiao Yu is a master planting pattern of Xuanpin." He added.

   Feng Chen played with the tea cup in his hand, and asked casually, "I wonder if our Nine Stars will be interested in sharing a piece of the pie with the Qinglong Gang?"

   "You mean we are going to compete with the Qinglong Gang for the forging and planting business?" Huo Fei's originally calm eyes were filled with surprise and bright colors.

   Feng Chen nodded and smiled: "Yes, as long as you take most of the forging and planting business of the Qinglong Gang, Jiao Yu definitely wants to get rid of us. If we don't need to take another shot, he will not be able to sit still."

   For an enemy like Jiao Yu, Feng Chen didn't want to wait too long to solve it.

   After all, they still have a lot of things to do, and it is impossible to always be on guard against the opponent's plot.

   "How sure are you that you can take most of the forging and planting business of the Qinglong Gang?" Huo Fei was silent for a while, but he couldn't help but be moved.

   It stands to reason that the gang leaders of the big gangs and medium-sized gangs in the outer city have long been able to assess the strength of entering the inner door, but why did not everyone go to the inner door to enter the assessment, because they have ambitions, it is not yet time to enter the inner door.

   The reason why the Nine Stars Club used to be so low-key was actually waiting for another opportunity to soar into the sky.

   As the leader of the Nine Stars Guild, Huo Fei seems to be calm, but in fact he has great ambitions and strategies.

Why did the top talents in the outer sect establish a gang and develop it more and more, and the Qinglong Gang and others even require the disciples in the gang to complete as many tasks every year. All for the purpose of contributing points.

  The reason why Huo Fei and others have such high contribution points in the outer door is absolutely inseparable from the development of the gang, except for the usual tasks.

   It can even be said that as long as the help brought by the gang is applied well, it is the real greatest help for the gang owners.

  Huo Fei has an intuition, Feng Chen might bring him a big surprise today.

   Sure enough, Feng Chen did not disappoint Huo Fei, he replied, "I'm 80% sure I can do it."

   "Your forging and planting level won't be profound, right?" Huo Fei couldn't help but ask after thinking about it.

The reason why the Qinglong Gang can monopolize most of the forging and planting business in the outer city is because their gang has one mysterious blacksmith and one mysterious blacksmith, and more than ten yellow forging and planting Teacher presses.

   If you want to take away the main source of monopoly of the Qinglong Gang, then the level of forging and planting of Feng Chen must reach the level of Xuanpin to have the possibility and opportunity, but is it possible?

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