Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen took the lead to kill the humanoid monster that was condensed in the fog energy body as soon as it came out. That can only explain one problem. The mental power of the two can detect at least a distance of 100 meters away.

   "No, Tianpin's spiritual talent is too awesome."

"To be able to detect a distance of more than 100 meters in the thick fog, this may not be the limit of the two of them. The spiritual power of Tianpin can reach this level? Why do I think the two of them have also cultivated some spiritual power. Do it."

   "Anyway, this level doesn't seem to be difficult for the two of them." A disciple sighed.

"Yeah! In addition to the maze, the biggest obstacle in this level is the humanoid monsters condensed by the mist energy body. Their attacks are varied and hard to guard against. The most powerful one is the close-up killing move, but it has only been condensed now. The human figure was killed by the two of them first, so there is no way to cause trouble to the two of them."

   "Hey! If the opponent is too weak, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen are also lonely." A disciple sighed.

  The other disciples were also very speechless. They were able to enter the Guiyuan Sect and become disciples of the outer and inner sects. Who is not a prominent figure in the family, so they have mixed emotions for both Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen.

   Most of the disciples still hope to see the two meet a wall, which means that they may not be too different from the enchanting genius of the heavenly talent, but the fact has slapped them in the face.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen's performances after entering the secret realm are definitely the two best performers among all the new disciples of the outer sect.

   As expected, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen did not give the humanoids formed by the fog energy a chance at all. Once they appeared, they would immediately kill them.

   The two took about a cup of tea to pass through the labyrinth in the mountainside and quickly left the exit.

Then the two rushed towards the end of the training mission. On the way, they encountered several monsters with human spirit realm cultivation realm. They all had talismans in their stomachs. After seeing Yu Qingqian and the two, they took the initiative to attack, but they were easily countered kill.

Judging from the picture, although Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen are only cultivation bases in the early stage of the human spirit realm, they can kill monsters who have cultivated in the middle stage of the human spirit realm. a lot of.

   The two arrived at the end of the training mission after half a day, took the lead in completing the training mission perfectly, and became the fastest person in the history of Guiyuan Sect to complete the training mission for the newly promoted outer disciples.

   At this time, among the same group of new disciples, the fastest one had just arrived at the entrance of the second mountain belly, and the slow ones were still trapped in the illusion in the first mountain belly.

All the disciples need to stay in the secret realm for a month, and the two completed it in just a few days. For the rest of the time, either meditate and practice, or wander around in the secret realm and find the spiritual herbs and materials they want and take them directly. .

  The two walked leisurely in the secret realm hand in hand. It didn't look like they were here to do the experience mission, but instead they looked like they were here to play in the mountains and waters, which also left a group of outer and inner disciples speechless.

   There are also some disciples who are jealous of the two of them. After all, the two of them are doing so well. If there is no accident, they will definitely be more valued by the senior sect.

   In the past month, some disciples have reached the end of the mission one after another, and the news that Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen completed the mission in a few days has spread all over the place.

During the    period, many disciples went to the meeting to set up a close relationship with the two of them, not asking for much closer relationship, just asking not to make bad relations, and it would be better if they could meet for a while.

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