Jiao Yu was able to establish the Qinglong Gang in the outer sect, and ruined his family so that there was no successor. From these aspects, it also proved that this person's mental strength is not bad.

   Jiao Yu has been a little too proud in the outer door these years. No one expected that he would fall into the trap of two new disciples who had entered the school for less than a year.

   "Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen know what they should do themselves, Jiao Yu can't take a big advantage."

  Huo Fei hooked his lips and continued, "Even if Jiao Yu personally took action, he might not be able to take care of Yu Qingqian and the two of them. The senior members of the sect are not vegetarians."

"That pervert should have been punished long ago. I just hope that this time Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen can successfully pull Jiao Yu off the horse." Huo Ling's hatred for Jiao Yu was not the slightest bit. Live comfortably.

  Huo Fei chuckled: "I have a hunch that as long as Jiao Yu doesn't stop, he will be killed by himself sooner or later."

   "I agree!" Huo Ling laughed.

In the    secret realm, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen passed through the belly of the first mountain in the fastest time, and also found and took away most of the symbols buried in the belly of the mountain.

  The two of them are not the kind of insatiable greedy people. They ate the meat themselves or left a mouthful of soup for others to drink, otherwise they would be able to find the location of all the talismans.

   came out of the belly of the first mountain, and the two quickly used teleport to rush towards the second mountain.

   If it was normal, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen would not act so high-profile, nor would they reveal their strength so much.

But the two knew that their counterattack in the secret realm would definitely offend Jiao Yu and the elder Jiao behind him. In order to protect themselves and completely eliminate hidden dangers, the two could only show their difference in the experience mission. , using the strength to make the high-level sects pay more attention to them.

  Once the senior officials of the sect intervened in the investigation of the lure and poisoning, then their plan was more than half successful, and one of their goals of entering the secret realm this time was completed.

For an inexplicably grudge enemy like Jiao Yu, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen's attitude is to kill him with one shot, and they must not let the other party have another chance to rise up and take revenge. This time, it was the two of them. The first move.

   Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian took out more than half of their strength and hurried at full speed.

   On the way, the two of them will still continue to collect talismans. No matter how they represent the contribution points of the sect, no one will be too much.

   It took another day for the two to reach the second mountainside.

   On the way, I didn’t encounter anyone from the Qinglong Gang to make trouble. The main reason was that the speed of the two of them was too fast, and those people were powerless even if they wanted to make trouble.

   When the two arrived to prepare to break through the second mountainside, the other disciples were still trapped in the first mountainside.

The obvious contrast of    also makes the two of them stand out and attract more attention.

   Whether it is an outer disciple or an inner disciple, they have long lost interest in other people, and their eyes are fixed on the pictures on the spar screen that belong to Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian.

  The two walked into the second mountainside.

  The inside of the mountain is also different from the iceberg and snow outside.

   This time, there are no spiritual flowers and grasses in full bloom in the belly of the mountain. Instead, it is composed of flowing lava rivers.

  The magma is constantly bubbling, and the temperature is amazingly high, as if it can melt people at any time.

  There are two narrow paths on the Magma River. If you want to reach the opposite side through the belly of the mountain, you must walk through the paths.

   However, the magma will swell from the river from time to time, and the magma droplets will splash on the path, and then the path will be corroded to form a small hole of different sizes, which does not seem to be easy to pass.

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