The words of the beautiful woman were approved by most of the high-ranking people present. Major factions such as Guiyuan Sect should have compatibility.

  There are two Taishang ancestors who founded the sect and are also masters of poison. If Yu Qingqian knows how to make poison, it doesn't matter.

  Elder Jiao's face sank, "How can a well-known sect like Guiyuan Sect study the things that those who are skilled in the devil's way are good at, and if we say this, we will be laughed at by other major sects."

   As long as the impression of Yu Qingqian is lowered in the eyes of these high-level executives today, things will be much easier in the future.

  The beautiful woman sneered: "Elder Jiao is too rigid. It's no wonder that after so many years of cultivation, he has not improved much."

   "I think the sect should advocate letting a hundred flowers bloom as well."

   The gloomy look on Elder Jiao's face was even more intense. What he hates most now is the pain of others poking at his cultivation.

  Because of a mistake in cultivating a practice method, he has not been able to improve his strength for many years, and his authority in the sect has also declined a lot.

The sect master swept the elder Sweeping Jiao and the beautiful woman with deep meaning, and said, "Well, the sect has never banned its disciples from becoming a drug refiner, not to mention whether Yu Qingqian will be able to refine drugs is still unknown. What he did is also excusable, and I don't think there is any need to dwell on this matter."

   "Yes, the old man also thinks this is not the point."

One of the more authoritative ancestors said: "Anyway, Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen are the three geniuses with natural talents. Besides, I see that they also have other special talents, which should be our focus. It doesn't matter whether the disciples you cultivate can practice poison or not, as long as you have the Guiyuan Sect in your heart."

   "I also agree that it's a good thing for young people to be bloody, and there's nothing wrong with Yu Qingqian doing that just now."

   Another old man continued: "On the contrary, I think those disciples who secretly lead and trap others are the most abhorrent, and they must be strictly investigated."

   The sect master nodded: "After the outer sect disciple's training mission is over, I will report this matter to the ancestors."

   His attitude is also very clear, this matter must not be understood in this way, and must be thoroughly investigated.

   Among the people present, except for the two from Elder Jiao's faction, the other high-level officials all expressed their approval.

   Elder Jiao didn't say anything more, otherwise it would have caused suspicion from the suzerain and other high-level officials.

   He decided to quickly send a message to Jiao Yu to seal the disciple's mouth, and he must not get involved with Jiao Yu himself.

  The senior management of the sect had a unified opinion, so they continued to watch the picture on the crystal ball.

   On the way, Feng Chen also encountered a booby trap.

   However, the booby trap was also easily avoided by him, and he handled it in the same manner as Yu Qingqian, directly exposing the opponent's purpose to the eyes of the senior sect.

   This also made the seniors of the sect angry. They did not expect that someone would want to destroy the only seedlings with two and three talents of the sect. They simply did not take the rules of the sect in their eyes.

   The Sect Master and other high-level officials were more determined to investigate this matter thoroughly, while Elder Jiao became more and more uneasy.

   After half a day, Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian met at the belly of the first mountain.

  Yu Qingqian arrived first, standing at the entrance of the mountainside with his arms around his arms and waiting, when he saw Feng Chen's appearance, his lips raised an arc, "You're here!"

   "Wait for a long time?" Feng Chen walked to Yu Qingqian's side, reached out and brushed the broken hair on her forehead and asked with a light smile.

   "We only waited for more than half an hour. The speed of the two of us is about the same." Yu Qing smiled lightly: "Let's go, let's go and see what's blocking the first mountain."

"it is good!"

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