The new disciples who were present heard Fang Yuan's words, and they all wanted to highlight their strengths in this mission experience and attract the attention of the senior leaders of the sect.

   Fang Yuan raised an arc on his lips. As the deacon elder of the outer sect, the more outstanding the new disciples of the outer sect, the better for him.

   "After entering the secret realm, your current experience mission will be displayed on the identity token."

   "Fighting between the same sect is absolutely not allowed in the secret realm. If anyone dares to violate the rules of the sect, causing serious injuries to the same sect, the sect will be directly expelled, and those who cause the death of the same sect will be directly killed."

  Fang Yuan stretched out his hand to indicate, "All the new outer disciples follow me to the sect spirit beast and set off for the secret realm."

   After his voice fell, a huge golden eagle appeared above the square.

  Fang Yuan and the two tubes jumped up in advance, and the others jumped up in turn.

  The back of the golden eagle is very broad, and more than 50 people only occupy one-third of the distance.

After    on the golden eagle, you can see that the disciples in the sect either form a team or act alone.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen jumped on the golden eagle and found a place to sit cross-legged, no disciples approached.

   After everyone was seated, the golden eagle spread its wings and flew towards the edge of the outer city.

Along the way, there were quite a few disciples who would look at Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, and a few of them had a little more fighting intent in their eyes, as if they couldn't wait to compete with the two of them. This time who can complete the task experience first.

Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian are talented evildoers. Most of the disciples in the outer sect either have a good relationship with the two, or they are neither good friends nor offense, but there are still a small number of people who are very dissatisfied with the two. .

   In the past six months, the two have done a hundred tasks and reached the top of the new disciples list in terms of contribution value, which has also aroused the competitiveness of several Tianjiao who also entered the outer door.

   They formed a team in private, ready to compete with Yu Qingqian.

   Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian felt the meaning conveyed by those eyes and didn't care.

   A day later, the golden eagle landed on the edge of a small lake on the outskirts of the city.

There is a water pavilion in the center of the    lake. The surrounding scenery is beautiful, but the fluctuation of the secret realm cannot be seen.

  Fang Yuan led a group of people down the golden eagle, with an extra scarlet token in his hand. After injecting spiritual power to stimulate the prohibition, the token flew up and automatically revolved around the water pavilion.

After    a stick of incense, everyone saw a huge fluctuation in front of the water pavilion, and a vortex that could accommodate one person appeared above the water pavilion.

   "Stimulate the identity token in your hands, that vortex is the entrance to the secret realm, you can go in by yourself." Fang Yuan pointed to the vortex above the water pavilion and said.


   Soon, more than 50 disciples took out their identity tokens, turned into streams of light and entered the vortex.

   Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian were in the middle, and they separated after passing through the vortex.

  Yu Qingqian stood still and glanced around, she was alone.

   Surrounded by a rolling iceberg, with clusters of snowflakes hanging from the branches, the scenery is very beautiful.

  Yu Qingqian took out the identity token and injected it into soul power and spiritual power, and soon the positions of the other fifty-five people appeared in the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

   Fengchen was a little far away from her position, and the two rushed towards each other.

   Soon, a layer of red light flashed on the identity token, Yu Qingqian swept it with mental power and accepted the task of this experience.

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