After arriving at Taobao Pavilion, Huo Ling teleported twice with Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian, and came to an underground secret room in the headquarters of the Nine Stars Club.

  In the secret room, Huo Fei and a middle-aged man with red hair were sitting and drinking tea.

   Feng Chen and the two entered the secret room and greeted Huo Fei first, "I have seen the meeting master!"

   "Sit." Huo Fei nodded and smiled, and then said to the man next to the two who introduced him, "This is Ye Cheng, an alternate disciple who entered the sect two years ago."

After the two sat down, Huo Fei looked at Yu Qingqian and said meaningfully: "Ye Cheng's spiritual talent and physical quality talent are Huangpin, and the spiritual planter talent is Xuanpin. His own strength is good, if not for Because his talent has dragged him down, he has long since passed the examination and officially became an outer disciple."

   "Does Junior Brother Ye know the purpose of coming here today?" Yu Qingqian asked meaningfully.

   Candidate disciples may not be able to become outer sect disciples in the end, so their status in the sect is not as high as that of outer sect disciples.

   Before Huo Fei could speak, Ye Chengcheng couldn't help but speak, "I know what my purpose is today. In order to stay in the sect in the future, I want to take a gamble anyway, and I hope Senior Sister Yu will succeed."

   Yu Qingqian thought for a while and asked, "I have never improved my talent for anyone before, so you are the first, are you sure you want to try?"

   She added, "I'm very confident in myself, just look at you."

Ye Cheng pondered for a moment, and finally raised his head with a firm look, "I want to give it a try, if my talent doesn't improve, I might be kicked out of the sect and faceless Hui clan in another year, so I might as well take a gamble. "

  Yu Qingqian saw that his heart was firm, not that kind of hesitant, and nodded: "Okay, I won't let you down."

  Huo Fei saw that Yu Qingqian was confident, and his heart was relieved a lot. He asked, "Do you need any preparations?"

   "I have successfully refined the poison to enhance talent. Next, I only need to use spiritual power to help Junior Brother Ye improve his physique, no need to prepare anything." Yu Qingqian replied.

  Huo Fei heard that she was ready and asked, "When can we start?"

   "Any time." Yu Qingqian came prepared.

  Huo Fei chuckled: "Soon, let's get ready now."

   "Do we need to shy away?" he asked respectfully.

  Yu Qingqian waved his hand: "No, you can come and witness with me."

   "Okay!" Huo Fei and Huo Ling naturally wanted to watch the miracle happen with their own eyes.

   Yu Qingqian instructed Ye Cheng: "Put out your wrist and I'll check your pulse first."

  Ye Cheng stretched out a hand nervously, Yu Qingqian followed his pulse to investigate the meridians and dantian in his body, and he knew something in his heart.

   "Junior Brother Ye, I'll improve a talent for you first. You can choose one of your spiritual and physical talents." Yu Qingqian said.

   Ye Cheng said without hesitation: "Then let's improve the spiritual talent."

   After hearing his choice, Yu Qingqian was not surprised. It was also expected. After all, spiritual talent was more suitable than physical talent.

She took out a bottle of cyan medicine and handed it to Ye Chengdao: "This is a poison that can expand the potential of your spiritual power in the sea of ​​​​knowledge. After you drink it, your head will hurt very badly. I will use spiritual power to soothe your spirit. Consciousness Sea, as long as you can persevere and endure, your spiritual talent can be upgraded to a rank.”

   "And there won't be any big sequelae, nor will it affect your future cultivation strength." She added.

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