After so many years since Guiyuan Zong established the sect, it was the first time Huo Fei heard that someone wanted to open a poison shop in the sect.

   "This is Guiyuan Sect, not Xuanyougu, are you sure you're right?" He asked again.

Huo Ling laughed softly: "I just heard that Junior Sister Yu had the same idea as you when she proposed to open a drugstore, but after she said her plan, I felt that this drugstore could be opened, and even to our Nine Stars Club. Excellent too."

   Huo Fei saw that Huo Ling was so restless except about Ji Shi, so he couldn't help but feel a little more curious.

   "What's your plan to make you so excited?"

   He and Huo Ling are not only cousins, they have also experienced family changes together, and they have lived and died together many times, and they are closer than brothers.

  Since Huo Ling is going to be Yu Qingqian's lobbyist and ask him to help, there must be a deeper reason.

   "Yu Qingqian can use toxins to enhance his talent, and he will ensure that there will be no sequelae that will affect the body."

  Huo Ling took a sip from the teacup and said, "She is very good at playing drugs. When the time comes, whether it is to detoxify people or make poison for sale, it should be popular. After all, this is the first case in the sect."

   Hearing his words, Huo Fei tightened his hand holding the teacup, and almost crushed the teacup, "What? She can use toxins to change people's talent without leaving any sequelae?"

   "Yes, Junior Sister Yu's temperament is relatively calm and reserved. She is very sure that she can do it herself, and I can't help but believe it."

  Huo Ling added: "But she said that now she can only raise the talent of Huangpin to Xuanpin, but she still can't raise the talent of Xuanpin to Earthpin."

"It's unbelievable to be able to raise Huang Pin talent to Xuan Pin. If she can raise Xuan Pin talent to Earth Pin, I'm afraid she will be invited into the inner door by the old guys in the sect." Huo Fei picked Raise your eyebrows.

  Huo Ling chuckled: "That's true, but if she succeeds in promoting someone from Huangpin talent to Xuanpin talent, it is estimated that the old guys in the sect will be alarmed."

   "I'm looking forward to changing my face!"

  Huo Fei said amusingly, "Just follow her and make a fool of yourself."

   After he finished speaking, he fell into deep thought, and Huo Ling didn't bother. After all, if Huo Fei didn't agree to this matter, it wouldn't be possible.

After a stick of incense, Huo Fei raised his head and said, "Our Nine Star Society has been silent for a long time in the sect, so let's take advantage of the poison hall to expand and develop according to the original plan. Although it is a year earlier than the planned time, who can make it happen? I couldn't help but be moved by this opportunity."

   "I knew you would be tempted. Besides, Junior Sister Yu is really powerful. I think she and Feng Chen have hidden a lot of means and abilities. The decision to invite them to join the Nine Stars Club was too correct."

  Huo Ling continued with a smile: "Yu Qingqian and I will handle the layout and publicity of the poison hall, and the old stubborn people from the outer and inner doors will be handed over to you."

   "You guys are really going to give me problems." Huo Fei felt that the plan was good, but he couldn't help but have a headache. After all, there were some old stubborn people in the sect who were very difficult to communicate with.

   Even though this plan was a bit unbelievable and unbelievable, he couldn't help but want to witness the miracle of Yu Qingqian's change of talent and aptitude.

"But this matter should be done secretly first, and let Yu Qingqian prove it to me with facts first, otherwise I won't go to private activities because of her affirmative words. You should know that those old stubborn are very difficult to deal with." Huo Fei said firmly.

He has never heard of anyone who can improve their talents. Although he still wants to believe in Yu Qingqian, he still hopes to witness the facts with his own eyes before confirming the next plan. The sensation of a drug hall should not be small.

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