As expected by Yu Qingqian, Ji Shi woke up after half an hour.

   Slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a nervous and handsome face, Ji Shi's heart throbbed for a while, but he pressed it down abruptly.

   "Senior Brother!" She whispered softly and sat up with her body propped up, only to find that the unspeakable pain in her body had disappeared.

   She immediately ran her spiritual power to check it out, her face full of shock, "Why is the poison in my body gone?"

   Huo Ling's heart was completely put down when he saw this. It seemed that all the toxins in Ji Shi's body were really expelled by Yu Qingqian.

   He chuckled: "Are you unhappy that the toxin has been removed?"

   "How can you be unhappy." Ji Shi looked up and his originally calm face became a little more excited, and then he realized that there were two more people in the cave.

When Yu Qingqian was detoxifying Ji Shi before, Ji Shi was already in a complete coma, and even if the last persistent breath in her heart hadn't persisted, affecting her body to absorb the cold air, she might never have been able to wake up again. coming.

   So Ji Shi didn't know about Yu Qingqian's detoxification for her.

   "Who are these two?" Ji Shi restrained his excitement and looked at Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen inquisitively.

   She always felt that her toxin disappeared as soon as she woke up, and it must be related to these two people.

  Huo Ling pointed at Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen and said, "She is Yu Qingqian, and that is her husband Feng Chen. They are all newly promoted outer disciples this time, and they are also disciples of our Nine Stars Club."

   "Junior Sister Yu is good at detoxification, and she also exorcised the toxins from your body for you. Fortunately, we came at the right time, otherwise you are really in danger."

  Huo Ling sighed and said, "I found something wrong with my body, why didn't you send me a message?"

   Ji Shiben's smiling face darkened, "I'm sorry, brother, I made you worry again."

  She has already troubled Huo Ling too much, if it weren't for her burden, Huo Ling would have been able to hit the Earth Spirit Realm and enter the inner door.

This poisoning was the most dangerous one in history. There was only one emotion in her mind at that time, that is, her reluctance and nostalgia for Huo Ling, but she really didn't want to drag Huo Ling down any more, so she hugged her if she died. I was relieved of the idea, so I didn't call Huo Ling.

   It was only at the end of the poison that she found that she was still reluctant to bear Huo Ling, so she kept shouting in her heart to persevere in the past.

   In the end, she fell into a coma and didn't know anything until she woke up and found that the toxins in her body had been completely removed, which made her shocked and excited.

Does the   toxin solution also mean that she can respond to Huo Ling's feelings?

   The thoughts in Ji Shi's heart were quickly suppressed, and he immediately raised his head to look at Yu Qingqian gratefully and said, "Thank you Junior Sister for helping me, I owe you my life."

   Her tone is very sincere, and she is really grateful to Yu Qingqian. After poisoning her, her life will be back on track, and she can also repay those who care about her, such as Huo Ling.

   "Senior sister, you're welcome. If it wasn't for Senior Brother Huo, I wouldn't have been able to detoxify in such a timely manner. Your life might have disappeared." Yu Qingqian said with a bit of a teasing smile.

   It can be seen that Ji Shi also has affection for Huo Ling. Before, it was only because of toxins that the two could not be together, but now there is not much obstacle for the two of them.

   Ji Shi blushed slightly and said with a smile, "I want to thank Senior Brother Huo, and I also want to thank Junior Sister."

   "Let's talk first, let's go out for a walk and take a look at the characteristics of this ice area." Yu Qingqian stood up and gave Huo Ling a half-smile look, pulling Feng Chen out of the cave.

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