Under the gazes of many people, Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian left the square.

  Qinglong Gang, a handsome man with a bit of wickedness looked at the message jade slip in his hand.

   "Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian are outstanding." He inadvertently narrowed his eyes.

   There were two people standing under his seat, and one of them replied with a smile: "Although the two of them are really talented, they are too tender compared to the gang master."

   The evil-looking man raised his eyebrows: "You said before to give Huo Fei a face and don't move them. Now it's been half a year, it's time to let the two little guys suffer."

The other middle-aged man standing    felt bitter in his heart. Why does the gang leader like to get along with the talented and evil disciple so much?

   Either he invited him to his own gang and his vigour was lost, or he secretly took action to play him.

   Over the years, many disciples with outstanding talents but no background have been drowned in the crowd soon after entering the outer city.

"Help lord, the talents of the two little guys will surely have attracted the attention of the high-level sect. Should we move them? If the high-level sect finds out, it will be detrimental to our Qinglong." The middle-aged man cautiously ask.

   According to his thoughts, no matter how evil those two little fellows are, what does it have to do with the gang leader?

  Why should the gang leader not only offend Huo Fei of the Nine Stars Guild because of his own quirks, but also possibly touch the bottom line of the top of the sect?

Hearing his words, Jiao Yu's originally squinted eyes quickly cooled down, "You don't need to kill them, I'm also training their resilience for the sect. What does it have to do with our Qinglong?"

Immediately he exuded an incomparably cold aura, "Are you the leader or am I the leader? When will it be your turn to question my decision? I followed your advice half a year ago because I was too lazy to compete with Huo Fei. , you don't have to go too far."

   Jiao Yu's power was pressed with all his strength, the middle-aged man couldn't help but take a few steps back, his face turned pale and he spat out a mouthful of blood.

   "My subordinates don't dare, everything is up to the gang master's orders." The middle-aged man said respectfully immediately.

   Jiao Yu then took away the power on his body and waved his hand: "Go down and set up, I hope to hear the news that the two little guys have an accident during the mission within a month."

   "But there is one premise, keep their little lives, it doesn't matter whether they are disabled or abolished."

   His meaning is obvious, he wants to abolish Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian, two new talents.

   "Yes!" The middle-aged man dared not say more.

   "You guys back off."


  The middle-aged man and another gray-haired old man withdrew, and each left to arrange.

   Looking at the back of the middle-aged man leaving, the old man showed a bit of rejoicing that this man didn't seem to live long.

   Fortunately, he knew the secrets of some of the gang leader's quirks, otherwise, to deny the gang leader's order to start with the two evil geniuses without authorization would be to step on the gang leader's bottom line.

   He knew that the more who spoke for the two enchanting little guys, the more hatred the gang leader would have for the two of them.

  Although he did not agree with the fact that the gang leader acted recklessly with his own hobbies, he did not dare to oppose it and could only do it with all his heart.

   We make sure that Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian are seriously injured or the meridians are broken and other accidents happen within a month, so that it will be difficult to improve in the future. Fortunately, it is not the first time to do such a thing.

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