Yu Qingqian did not speak, holding a tea set in his hand to make tea.

   Feng Chen picked up a cup of tea and shook it, looked at Huo Ling meaningfully and asked, "How can Senior Brother Huo decide that we are more suitable for the Nine Stars Club?"

"The two and three talent tests are all of heaven. It is very difficult to reach the human spirit realm and ascend to the upper realm at the age of less than forty years in the lower realm. This also shows that you have great potential in addition to your talents. , Presumably your goal is not to stay in the outer city for many years, it is only a matter of time to enter the inner city."

Holling paused and said: "The four major gangs and other major gangs in the outer city are quite strict with the rules of the new disciples. Maybe when they came to invite the two, they offered a lot of favorable bait prices, but every year The amount of tasks that must be completed is impossible to change, this is a matter of principle, and it just so happens that it will delay the time of cultivation, and it is not suitable for you.”

   "With the talent and potential of the two of you, why waste too much energy doing tasks that you can't choose but don't help yourself."

   "But our Nine Stars Club is different. We only require you to work together to complete three tasks every year. Even if you fail to complete them in the end, there will be no punishment."

"The two of you have lived in the outer city for a few days, and you should already know that the outer city is formed by many gangs. Whether it is the sect's mission, or the selection of places to enter a certain secret realm, all are completed through the gang, and there is no individual at all. The place to take the task, let alone go to the registration place of the secret realm."

"When the four major gangs and most of the gangs in the outer city issue tasks, they will extract 10% to 20% of the contribution points as help fees. If you want to get a place in the secret realm, you must have a good relationship with the senior members of the gang and pay reasonable contribution points. Buy it, or you need to use contribution points to bid directly with others.”

   "It is difficult for new disciples to survive at the beginning. Most of them have to get used to it for at least three years before they get used to it, and only then can they accumulate more contribution points in exchange for resources to cultivate."

"And the biggest advantage of our Nine Stars Club is personal freedom. You can arrange your own time at will. If you want to take on tasks, you will not deduct contribution points as help fees during the meeting, and you only need to pay a small amount of contribution every year. Just click."

   "If the disciples in the meeting want to sell or buy items, Taobao Pavilion will also buy or trade at the most reasonable price."

   "The Nine Stars Guild's invitation to recruit new disciples has been carefully selected. In fact, it is more strict than the Four Great Guilds. The two of you are also invited after observation."

   "Our gang's source of income is more inclined to shops and auctions, so we won't treat new disciples harshly."

   "The most important thing is don't think that our Nine Stars Guild is just a mid-level gang, but the leader has background and strength. If the two of you join our Nine Stars Guild, the other big gangs will definitely not find fault because of their previous rejection."

  Huo Ling's voice had a smooth feeling of jade, which made it very comfortable to listen to. He also talked briefly about the pros and cons of gangs.

   "After all, the two of you are the arrogance of the three talents of heaven, and the gang leader will give you a condition."

Huo Ling added with a smile: "As long as there are places for secret realm experience in the outer city, more than five can have the share of the two of you. If it is less than five, the two of you also have the priority to compete, as long as you win according to the rules. Others, then they can get places."

"This is the most sincere price we invite the two of you. The final decision is still in the hands of the two of you. It's up to you to choose!" His words have already made clear the advantages and price of the Nine Stars Club. Or refuse, then he will give up.

   Of course, from Huo Ling's personal point of view, he really hopes that the two of them can join the Nine Stars Club.

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