Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian didn't expect that the residence in the outer door would still need to use contribution points to buy living time, but they were relieved soon.

   This can reflect the difference between ordinary disciples and elite disciples from the outer sect. The residence alone can promote the comparison and competition among the disciples, but it is more in line with the characteristics of the Guiyuan Sect's establishment of a city.

  Yu Qingqian looked at the courtyards at the back with interest and asked, "Are most of the elites living in the courtyards disciples who established gangs?"

   "Yes, nine times out of ten, only a very small number of people like independent disciples, but they are also qualified to live in the last courtyard."

   Fang Yuan looked at the two with a smile and said, "I believe you two can live in the last area in not many years."

   The elite disciples of the outer sect living in the most important area are actually higher than the deacon elders of the outer sect. They are the most promising disciples to pass the examination and enter the inner sect, and they are the key training objects of the sect.

   With Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian's natural talents, as long as their performances in the outer city don't let them down, then it's just a matter of time before they live in the last row of single-family courtyards and enter the inner gate.

   "Deacon Fang really looks down on us." Yu Qingqian was half-smiling.

   "Haha, the old man is really optimistic about you, so don't let me down." Fang Yuan said bluntly and meaningfully.

   Then he changed the subject: "Okay, I will send you here. You can rest well these days and learn more about the situation of our Guiyuan Sect. I will leave first if I have something to do."

  This is the first time he has brought his disciples to complete the introduction report, and the other disciples are in charge of the affairs.

   "Thank you Elder Fang, I have time to come over for tea another day." The two also accepted Fang Yuan's kindness.

  Fang Yuan nodded with satisfaction, "Let's go!"

   After he finished speaking, he turned and left the residence area of ​​the outer disciples.

   There are often disciples walking around in the area. When Feng Chen and Yu Qingqian walked to their residence with the identity jade badge, they received a lot of scrutiny and curious eyes, but they both pretended not to see it.

  The residences of the two were next to each other, but they were husband and wife and didn't want to hide their relationship, so Feng Chen opened his residence with a jade token and looked at it before going to Yu Qingqian's residence.

  Yu Qingqian cleaned up the residence, and then took out the decorations that he usually likes and arranged them. The taste of the decoration is the kind of elegance that Feng Chen likes.

  Feng Chen looked at the familiar furnishings after entering the door, and a warm and pleasant feeling lingered in his heart.

   "Sick Beauty, this is our new home for the time being." After Yu Qingqian packed up, she looked up at Feng Chen with a smile and said.

  Feng Chen liked the "home" in her mouth very much, walked over and sat beside Yu Qingqian and smiled lightly: "Where there is Qianqian is my home."

   With the increase of age and experience, Feng Chen's voice is clear and has a deep, cool, mature and **** charm, which Yu Qingqian likes very much.

   She stretched out a hand and pinched Fengchen's chin, "Tsk tsk, sick beauty, you are now more and more able to say sweet words!"

   The sick beauty who used to be a teenager could never say such a thing. At that time, his temper was much colder than now.

   Feng Chen lowered his head and bit Yu Qingqian's fingertips lightly, "Because I know Qianqian likes to listen!" Of course, it was also a sigh from the heart.

   Having established a relationship with Yu Qingqian for more than 20 years, under the influence of Yu Qingqian, Feng Chen has become a lot warmer, and he is no longer just being molested by someone.

   "Sick Beauty, you are getting more and more my liking, I really want to swallow you all the time!" Yu Qingqian approached Feng Chen and laughed softly at his neck.

  As a former queen of the end of the world, the Great Demon King has never learned what it means to be shy.

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