The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1569: What's so special about it?

  Fang Yuan heard Yu Qingqian's words and felt that the two of them were smart.

   "After you report in the outer door and assign the accommodation, you can hang out in the outer city, and then go to any Taobao Pavilion to buy a piece of news about the Zongmen gang."

   Fang Yuan is the deacon elder of the outer door, and he knows the gang of the outer door, but there is no news about the jade slip in his hand.

   And the information he has in his hand is not suitable for the two of them. After all, he mainly wants to control and manage, while Yu Qingqian and the two choose what suits them.

   "Okay, let's go buy one at that time." Yu Qingqian nodded.

  Fang Yuan took them to a huge mansion in the center of the outer city. The two words "outer door" were written in dragons and phoenixes on the door plaque. The two words revealed a very advanced prohibition of planting patterns, and neither of them could see through it.

   "This is where all the outer disciples and elders live and practice."

  Fang Yuan paused and said, "If you have a lot of money or contribution value in the future, you can also buy a separate yard in the outer city to live in."

   Yu Qingqian became interested and asked with a smile, "Can you still have a yard under your own name in the outer city?"

   "Of course there is, but it's a symbol of identity, financial strength, and strength. It's not easy to buy." Fang Yuan smiled: "I want to buy it, but I don't have the ability."

   "Looks like we still have to get to know the sect well!" Yu Qingqian sighed.

   Fang Yuan smiled in agreement and said, "Yes, you are all evil geniuses. Cultivation is more important, but you can't just blindly cultivate. You still need to know a little about the world of people in the sect."

   "The Guiyuan Sect is very different from the sects you once knew. You will experience it slowly after living there for a while."

   While speaking, Fang Yuan brought the two into the huge mansion. There were two rows of disciples guarding the outer door of the mansion, and they were both spiritual emperors.

   After seeing Fang Yuan, he greeted respectfully: "I have seen Deacon Fang!"

  Deacon Fang nodded lightly, without talking to these disciples, he directly led Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen inside.

   The two rows of disciples saw that Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were not wearing the white robes of the disciples of the inner and outer sect, but dressed freely, and guessed in their hearts that they should be the newly recruited disciples this time.

   Deacon Fang can be brought here in person in advance, so if these two people have special identities, or they have something special in themselves.

   The two rows of disciples didn't talk to each other, but their curiosity and scrutiny kept following Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen also felt the order in the Guiyuan Sect, but they still felt a lot more serious, which is also the characteristic of the righteous sect.

  Fang Yuan took the two to a yard. There was no one walking around in the yard. In one room, an old man was drawing something at his desk.

   "Old Wu, these are the two newly promoted outer disciples. You can bring them what they need to distribute." Fang Yuan said while looking at the old man who was concentrating on drawing things.

After the old man drew the last stroke, he raised his head in a hurry, swept Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen at random, looked at Fang Yuan and asked, "Isn't it two days before the announcement of the outer sect disciple quota? Why are you alone? brought them here?"

   "They are the outer sect disciples that the suzerain has determined right now, because I didn't send them to the selection courtyard." Fang Yuan and the old man talked casually, and it could be seen that the relationship was not bad.

   "So it is." The old man asked with a smile: "What's so special about them? They actually let the stubborn old sect master break the rules and determine his identity in advance."

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