Elder Deacon spoke, Li Zhi suppressed the shock in his heart, and brought everyone back to the yard with a smile on his face.

   After returning to the courtyard, the eyes of everyone looking at Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were completely different, and many people showed goodwill.

   Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were not arrogant or arrogant, and accepted each other's goodwill with unanimous attitudes.

   Of course, not everyone can sincerely accept that the two people from the lower realms will overpower them in terms of talent as soon as they arrive, but they are unhappy but do not show it.

  The number of people who visited the two people's residence gradually increased. The ten people who held the invitation token from the outer door before also came one by one, but some were enthusiastic, and some were just a symbolic visit.

  The Guiyuan Sect is one of the three major forces of the righteous path in Xiatian territory, and there is no shortage of geniuses among them. Therefore, the test and selection of disciples in each session are not unconcerned, but they are not much concerned.

   Under normal circumstances, the deacon elders of the outer sect will report to the sect master that all three talents are of the earth grade, or occasionally there is a list of people with a talent of the celestial grade to report to the sect master. The senior sect will pay attention to these people.

   Talent with good potential is of course more worthy of sect training. After all, there are too few and too few people who can become the top powerhouse in the end with poor talent. It is difficult to have one person out of hundreds of thousands. Such a situation is usually only possible after encountering a big opportunity.

   Talents with good talent and great potential are the most likely to enter the mainstream of the strong in the future, and they are also the objects that need to be cultivated. Therefore, no matter what power or family, resources are inclined to those with good talent and potential, no doubt.

After    Fang Yuan left the square, he immediately went to the inner city.

   The suzerain and a group of inner sect deacon elders and ordinary ancestors all live in the inner city. As for the central city, that is the place where the ancestors and the more prestigious senior sects are qualified to live.

   The Sect Master was discussing matters with the two ancestors, and was slightly surprised when he heard Fang Yuan asking for advice.

   "I remember that the outer sect disciple's talent test is today, why is Fang Yuan here now?" The sect master whispered, and then called for Fang Yuan to come in.

   One of the gray-haired old women said, "Could it be that something went wrong with the outer disciple's talent test?"

  Otherwise, under normal circumstances, the outer sect deacon and elders have to wait for the list of outer sect disciples to be drawn up before coming to look for the suzerain.

   "It's not impossible." The Sect Master frowned slightly.

   Fang Yuan bowed respectfully to the three of them as soon as he entered the door, "Meet the Sect Master, the two ancestors."

   "Fang Yuan, have the outer sect disciples' talent test been completed? You are not selecting outer sect disciples, do you have something important to come to see me?" the sect master asked with a serious face.

  Fang Yuan is the deacon elder he promoted, and his temperament is still stable. If there is no major event, he should not ask to see him.

With a smile on his face,   Fang Yuan presented a crystal ball that was used to record during the test, "Sect Master, this is the result of this outer disciple's test, I'm still bothering to look at it."

   The sect master took the crystal ball and wiped it with his hand. The crystal ball started running immediately, and there was a picture of the talent test inside.

   "Why did you send the test results now? Has the list of disciples entering the outer sect been drawn up?" Seeing that there was nothing special on the crystal ball, the suzerain frowned again.

  Fang Yuan felt that he was still not shocked by what he said, so he said: "This time the outer sect talent test is a little accidental, the sect master and the two elders please jump to the back and watch."

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