The woman is wearing a simple cyan skirt. She has an elegant and generous temperament, and her appearance is not stunning and glamorous.

  Yu Qingqian likes beautiful people or things, and the first impression of this woman is not bad.

  The woman walked up to the three pillars and first tested her mental strength and physical fitness, all of which were of high quality.

   Just when everyone thought that she should also have all three talents of the earth grade, the last green pillar emitted a dazzling light, and the words "Spiritual Planter's talent is heavenly grade" was displayed on the transparent stone tablet.

   Some of the more than 300 people on the right could not help but let out gasps or exclamations.

   "It's actually the talent of the spiritual planter of Tianpin, it's amazing!"

   "Yeah! It is said that among the three major forces of our righteous path, there have been disciples who have not had the talent of heaven for nearly a thousand years. Her other two are also of the earth, and this talent is very strong!"

   "This woman is so powerful, no wonder she can step into the human spirit realm at the age of 30. There is a great chance that such talents will enter the heavenly spirit realm in the future!"

   Even the middle-aged man who was sitting calmly showed a hint of surprise and joy, and wrote down the woman's name.

   The woman's face didn't change much, and she was not arrogant or arrogant with such a talent, so the middle-aged deacon looked at her a few more times,

   After she stepped back, the people who were tested one after another became a little stressed, but there was no Heavenly Rank again. The best one had two Earth Ranks and one Profound Rank, and the worst one had three Profound Ranks.

   The first ten people have all finished the test, and in the end only Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen are left.

In fact, every time Guiyuan Sect recruits disciples, there are only ten people who can get the invitation token from the outer sect. Therefore, the ten people in front of them either have deep backgrounds or are valued by some high-level officials in the sect. This is an accident for people.

  The Guiyuan Sect has not had an envoy from below to invite disciples from the outer sect for many years. After all, if the disciples invited are not talented enough, the envoy will be punished.

  Fang Yu didn't have the slightest position in Guiyuan Sect before. He was mainly sent to the lower realm as a messenger because he offended an inner disciple with a background.

   Luckily, his fallen backer was promoted to the Heavenly Spirit Realm by chance and became an ancestor in the sect. After his return, his status and situation were much better than before.

   It was precisely because of this that Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen, who were recruited by Fang Yu, were able to retain the qualifications to be invited as outer disciples, adding two people to the default quota of ten.

  Otherwise, the two of them may become alternate disciples like the three hundred people, and then test their eligibility to enter the outer gate, but it is different from having an invitation token.

   Of course, if Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen had outstanding talents, Fang Yu would not only have a bright face, but his status in the sect would also improve.

After    Fang Yu came back, many people knew that he was a disciple of the new ancestor, so Li Zhi was more friendly to Yu Qingqian and the two.

   The middle-aged man had long been aware of the identities and backgrounds of the twelve people, and his eyes fell on the two of them lightly.

   Every time the person above finishes the test, Li Zhi will notify the next one.

   "Now it's Yu Qingqian's turn to go up for the test, Feng Chen is ready." He gave Yu Qingqian a look, allowing her to go up.

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