The term of the    white-haired old man's inspector in the Lower Fourth Territory has expired, and all the people who need to be brought back to the upper realm have been gathered together.

   In addition to Lou Feixue and Yu Qingqian, there were Fang Yu, Jiao Bai and two men Yu Qingqian had never met.

   The white-haired old man saw the two coming, still with a loving smile: "You guys are here, sit first!"

   "Master, grandma, grandpa!" The two greeted their elders first, and then smiled at Fang Yu and the others.

   Lou Feixue and Yu Zisu were very happy to see the two of them. Lou Feixue took Yu Qingqian's hand and sat beside her with a smile and said, "Qianqian's face is rosy, you have been having a good time recently."

   "Well, we have been traveling around in the mountains and waters for the past two years very leisurely, and grandpa and grandma look very good." Yu Qingqian held Lou Feixue's hand affectionately.

  Yu Zisu asked Feng Chen to sit beside him and smiled, "Your grandma and I have been traveling in the mountains and rivers these years. If we didn't leave, we would all like to play for a few more years."

   "Grandpa and grandma can go to Xiatianjing to continue swimming in the mountains and water." Yu Qing smiled lightly.

She and Sick Beauty enjoyed the leisurely and happy life they had spent for two years, but they still had a lot to do, so they could only stop and wander around when they stood at the top of their cultivation in the future. Played shyly.

   Yu Zisu shrugged: "There's still time to play in Xiatianjing, we can only talk about it in the future!"

   When they arrive at Xiatian, they can’t do anything with their current cultivation base. At that time, they will definitely have to improve their cultivation base strength, so they can only put aside the game for now.

  The white-haired old man nodded gratified when he heard his words: "I know enough is enough, it's good!"

  Master/Patriarch spoke, but the four of Yu Qingqian stopped talking.

  The white-haired old man continued: "My term as an inspector in the lower realm has expired, and I received a message from the upper realm sect asking me to go back quickly, so you all get ready, we will set off in three days."


   After three days, everyone gathered at the top of a remote high mountain.

  The white-haired old man turned his head and said to everyone, "Release the suppressed cultivation base and break through to the spiritual realm of the Empress of the Spirit Emperor."


Yu Qingqian and the others were moved, and the spiritual energy around them surged wildly, constantly burrowing into the body to form a cyclone in the dantian, and all the barriers were broken. exclusion.

   As long as you break through to the spiritual emperor, you will be rejected by the interface, and then enter the space channel.

   A golden gate suddenly appeared in the sky on the top of the mountain, with a breath of awe that could not help but tremble.

  As everyone broke through, the golden gate slowly opened.

  The white-haired old man waved his hand and said, "Follow me into the space passage."


   Everyone followed the white-haired old man into a streamer and got into the golden gate, and the gate closed with a "bang" after the last person entered.

  Yu Qingqian and others saw a vast and boundless starry sky in front of them. A golden flowing galaxy was framed on the starry sky, like a road.

  The white-haired old man took out a flying boat with a relatively high level and released it, "It will take at least a year for us to reach the lower heaven through the space passage, you all come up."

  Everyone stepped on the flying boat, and the flying boat traveled along the golden star river at the speed of light.

  Xinghe already belongs to the void outside the lower four regions, so there is no need to be suppressed by the laws, and the advantages of flying boats can be fully exerted.

   If it wasn't for everyone here who had already broken through to the human spirit realm, it would be impossible to drive at such a speed.

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