The spirit emperors of the Arnuo tribe did not take Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen in their eyes, and the other spirit emperors did not appear either. Obviously they had the same idea.

   Feng Chen frowned slightly, "Then try it."

   After speaking, he directly launched an offensive and fought against the outspoken Spirit Emperor. As soon as Arnoye appeared, he stood not far away and watched the two of them.

   However, the outcome was decided soon, Feng Chen did not exert all his strength to crush it from the beginning, and the Spirit Emperor was so aggrieved that he was always at a disadvantage.

   After more than 30 rounds of fighting, the Spirit Emperor was defeated by the swallowing power of the black mandala that absorbed most of his demon power and spiritual power.

   He hurriedly escaped Feng Chen's attack and quickly retreated a hundred meters away, feeling that most of the demon power and spiritual power had been drained from his body, and he had lingering fears.

   "Do you still think we are courting death?" Feng Chen didn't kill him, otherwise he would directly devour the Spirit Emperor's essence and soul.

   Such means Feng Chen has always been well controlled and will not be used easily unless the opponent touches his bottom line.

   In the demon realm, they can be strong and noisy, but they cannot use such a method to kill the emperor, otherwise it will definitely cause the wrath of all the spirit emperors in the demon realm. Feng Chen is not stupid.

   But it's good to use this method to intimidate one or two opponents.

   The Spirit Emperor of the Arno clan no longer despised Feng Chen at this time, instead he was much more afraid.

   "What is the purpose of your coming to the Arno Clan? This is not the territory of your Human Race." He used his spiritual power to transmit voices to the other three Spirit Emperors in the palace, while looking at Feng Chen and said.

   Feng Chen said lightly: "We came to the Arno Clan for two purposes, one is to ask for the dragon silk in the beginning, and the other is to return the letter talisman you stole from Longshan."

   "Of course, we came all the way here, why do you have to make up for some of our losses, just use Luotanxiang to make up for it."

   The smile on Yu Qingqian's face deepened, her sick beauty is really getting darker and darker, she likes it!

   "..." The Spirit Emperor and Anuoye twitched the corners of their mouths, which was too loud.

   "Hmph, in the beginning, the dragon silk and the letter talisman belonged to my Arno clan, so don't worry about the two of you humans."

  The Emperor snorted coldly and continued: "Not to mention that Luotanxiang is a spiritual creature guarded by our Arno tribe, don't even think about it."

   "Tsk tsk, Luotanxiang was also stolen by you from the small clan, and you stole the dragon silk and letter talisman in the beginning. How come everything is yours? Can you still have a face?" Yu Qingqian pouted.

   She found that the Arno tribe was so shameless, she could speak nonsense with her eyes open.

"Don't be arrogant, we won't hold you accountable now if you leave quickly. If you continue to find fault, then don't blame our Arno people for being rude!" The Emperor Ling noticed that the three auras were approaching, and he thought about Feng Chen in his heart. The fear is also much smaller.

  It would be best if the two of them left on their own. After the fight just now, he found that the other party was not as easy to deal with as he imagined.

   Feng Chen said lightly: "We just took back our own things. If you continue to deny it like this, then we are equally welcome!"

   "Humph, Huangkou child is rude!" A voice descended with a coercive voice from the late stage of the Spirit Emperor, and went straight towards Feng Chen.

   Feng Chen stood still, waiting for the coercion to approach behind him, a dark circle of light appeared in front of him, swallowing up the coercion.

   Immediately, he pointed with his finger in the direction from which the voice came, and the surrounding space collapsed in an instant, and countless cracks exploded.

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