Feng Chen and Yan Jun were also a little surprised by Long Shan's decision, but they were relieved quickly.

   Yu Qingqian still likes Long Shan very much. Hearing that her special talent is divination, she is also a little more interested.

   "I am willing to form a contract with you, but I still hope that you can think about it before making a decision, because once the contract is formed, it cannot be dissolved."

  The bond between Yaozhi and the master cannot be unraveled until death, and Yaozhi cannot betray and kill the master in this life, otherwise, the law of heaven and earth will come and punish him with thunder tribulation.

   Therefore, the bond does not have much impact on humans, but there are more restrictions on the demon plant, and it is also a loss of freedom to a certain extent.

   In particular, after some humans and Yaozhi have formed a contract, they will not continue to issue orders to enslave, and they will not care about Yaozhi's life or death. This is also one of the reasons why many Yaozhi are unwilling to form a contract.

  Long Shan shook her head firmly: "Don't think about it anymore, I've already figured it out, and I'm willing to form a contract with you."

  Xiaowan has left her. She has no relatives in this world, but she also longs for warmth in her heart.

   And Yu Qingqian felt like a friend for many years. When the Helian family supported her, she felt a warmth that she had not experienced for many years, so she hoped to keep this friendship and warmth.

   "Okay!" Yu Qingqian put an extra mark on the bond in his hand, "You can just swallow it."

   Now that Yu Qingqian has formed a contract, he no longer has to have power to cover the two sides, but can condense a contract imprint. After the other party swallows, he can establish a connection and the contract is successful.

  Long Shan took the mark and swallowed it without hesitation, and finished refining and absorbing it in the time of a cup of tea.

   A red mark appeared on the foreheads of the two of them, and then disappeared into the eyebrows, and there was a connection between their souls and spiritual power.

   "Thank you Qingqian!" Long Shan had gratitude in her eyes.

  Yu Qing chuckled lightly: "From today onwards, we are our own people, don't say such foreign words."

  Long Shan took a deep breath to calm down, "Okay!"

   She likes the saying that she is a person, it is very warm.

  It took half a month to reach the city of the Helian family from the city of the Arno tribe at the usual speed. Occasionally, he used the teleport of the Demon Emperor Grass to arrive at the city in three days.

  The Arno tribe is the largest tribe in the north. The city is magnificent and vast, with a majestic and majestic atmosphere.

  The relationship between the demon domain and the human domain is relatively stable, so many human races will go to the demon domain to experience or do business, and the city does not restrict the entry of the human race.

   The group walked into the city and found that it was several times more prosperous than the city of Helian's family.

   Yu Qingqian's appearance and temperament are very dazzling, and when they walked into the city, they attracted many eyes from all around.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen are human beings after all. Although one is beautiful and the other is handsome, the demon plants are not very interested.

  Yan Jun has no doubt attracted the attention of many female demon plants, and beauties are constantly escorting him.

   Yu Qingqian looked funny, looked at Yan Jun and said, "It was a mistake for you not to come to Yaoyu before. Look at how popular you are."

   Yan Jun glanced at her lightly, "I was also very popular when I was in the place of confinement, just get used to it!"

   Yu Qingqian laughed softly: "I didn't expect you to be so narcissistic!"

   "It's not narcissism, it's charm." Yan Jun raised his eyebrows seriously.

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