The Allure of the City: His Royal Highness is Too Provocative

Chapter 1528: Just pat the ashes and you can leave

  Long Shan was stunned when she heard Yu Qingqian's words.

   "Xiao Wan looks like something is wrong, Qingqian, did you see something?"

  Yu Qingqian nodded: "She looks sluggish, the soul aura on her body is absent, and her life force is almost exhausted, so it should be controlled by some Gu technique."

  Long Shan's face changed, "The Anuo family is best at controlling Gu, Xiaowan must have been controlled by Anuoye at some point."

   Then she couldn't help but ask: "Qingqian, is there any help for Xiaowan?"

   She firmly believed that Xiaowan would not betray her. Now that she was controlled by Gu, she could not help herself. Long Shan was more concerned about her life at this time.

   Yu Qingqing sighed lightly: "No way, I think Xiaowan's soul and vitality are already very weak, she can't live for three days."

  If she can save her, it doesn't matter if she makes a single shot, but Xiaowan has been in the gu for too long, and no matter what spirits she uses, she can't make up for it.

  The wood-based healing ability also delays her life for ten days and a half at most, so it is better to die from the poison like this, otherwise, when the sea of ​​​​knowledge is clear and discovers what she has done, she will die in pain.

   "Anuoye's methods are too vicious. Xiaowan is now his puppet and has no sense of her own. Don't believe what he said when he left." Yu Qingqian thought for a while and added.

  Long Shan always tries to live her life as optimistically as possible, but she couldn't help but feel sad when she heard such a thing, and tears flowed down one by one.

   "Well, I won't fall for him." There was a bit of hatred in Long Shan's choked voice.

   Yu Qingqian can't comfort any more. It's normal for Long Shan to feel uncomfortable when something like this happens to her most trusted sister, but it's better to cry.

   She looked at the ancestor Helian Taishang and said, "Old man, we are going to visit the Arnuo clan, so let's say goodbye first!"

The elder Taishang Helian smiled kindly: "Then I wish Yu Qingqian and fellow Daoist Feng all the best, if fellow Daoists can grab my Helian family's letter talisman together, then we are willing to pay a reward. exchange."

   "Old man, you are very good at doing business. Let's talk about this later." Yu Qingqian smiled.

   Without saying much, he took Long Shan, Feng Chen and Yan Jun and left Helian's house together.

   After a few people left, Grand Ancestor Helian's face turned gloomy.

"Ancestor, the Arno clan is too deceiving, why don't we join forces with the spirit emperors of the two human clans to get the letter back?" A middle-aged man said, he is an elder of the Helian family, and he is usually very good at it. say.

The elder Taishang Helian shook his head: "Our Helian family's heritage is still not enough compared to the Arno clan, so rushing to the other party's territory to grab the letter talisman is self-inflicted humiliation. According to their style today, this one The matter has been planned for a long time, and it is difficult to get the letter back again."

He paused and said, "Those two demon stars are foreigners after all, and we'd better not get involved in their affairs. Her grandmother and grandfather offended several high-level spirit emperors in the demon domain. We cooperated with them without authorization to fear that they would bring trouble. It's a bad influence on the family, so forget it."

Hearing his words, the senior members of the Helian family felt unspeakable anger and pain. The Arno tribe was too deceiving. The letter is also very important to the Helian family, which means that the Helian family may be born. It would be a pity to give up the great opportunity of Emperor Ling like this.

But the strength is not as good as others and there is no way, only infinite grievances, they are not like two demon stars, they can leave the demon domain after robbery or make a slap in the ashes, and they still have a huge family here. I can only hold this breath temporarily.

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