Helianshan didn't care about Anuoye's expression and gaze, she had long regarded this man as a stranger.

   The whip in his hand is dancing more and more flexibly. Anuoye is also a late-stage cultivation base of Lingzun. I don't know if it is because he has the heart to give in, or if his strength is really inferior to Helianshan, he can't help but step back.

   A lot of whip marks and bloodstains were added to his body.

   Helianxian was so angry when he saw this, Helianshan and Anuoye once grew up together and got married.

   Later, she used a stratagem to separate the two, and made Anuoye fall in love with her, and even tried to push Anuoye to break off the marriage with Helianshan.

   But he couldn't erase Helianshan's shadow and influence in Arnoye's heart. Maybe even he himself hadn't discovered who he liked the most in his heart, and she was even less likely to let him notice.

  Helianxian moved and stood in front of Anuoye again, "Sister, hit me if you want to hit me. I was the one who moved the real feelings towards Anuo first, and it's all my fault."

   Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows, this woman used advance as retreat, firstly, it made the scumbag's heart turn to her again, and secondly, it might also stimulate Helianshan and make the scumbag even more disgusted.

   Sure enough, when Anuoye heard Helianxian's words, his heart was moved, and his heart immediately turned to Helianxian again after comparing Helianshan's savagery.

"Xian'er, it's my own decision to break off the marriage. As a prince, the future princess needs to be smart, gentle and virtuous, and only you can do it." Anuoye spoke while holding Helianxian's waist, and stepped back. A few steps staggered the swung whip.

   Immediately, Arnoye looked up and said, "Helianshan, if you want to blame me, we don't have to involve Xian'er."

   In his heart, Helianshan was still the woman who once liked her, even if he did something wrong to her, he would definitely compensate her in the future.

  He Lianshan was really disgusted by this pair of scumbags and scumbags. She had a crush on Anuoye, because they not only grew up as childhood sweethearts, but also had a marriage contract since childhood.

   That's why she respects him and thinks of him a lot.

   But it’s still far from love. Now that I don’t like it, then this scumbag is nothing.

   "You don't have to fight with each other anymore, I'll let you be a pair of hard-working couples who share weal and woe." He Lianshan's temperament and publicity, she didn't bother to care who gossips about it, let's talk about it first.

   So the whip kept falling, and even Helianxian whipped up together.

   It was just that Anuoye held Helianxian tightly in his arms and blocked the whip for her while dodging, so he didn't get a few whips.

   Helianshan's whip contains demonic power, so Anuoye's whole body seemed to be in pain from being whipped.

   "Helianshan, this is what you forced me to do." He pushed Helianxian behind him, and the whole person became much larger. Obviously, he was not ready to endure any more and was about to fight back.

  He Lianshan raised her eyebrows and smiled sarcastically: "I forced you to do everything. You are not as good as a woman like me. I think you really misclassified male and female back then."

   Hearing Helianshan's sarcasm that he was not a man, Anuoye immediately used his innate ability, and countless thorny vines flew towards Helianshan, wrapping her whip tightly around her.

   He Lianshan is not a vegetarian either, and the two quickly reached a group, using all their strength and not letting anyone else.

   Anuoye looked at the appearance of a little white face, but he was still relatively strong in battle. In addition, he was the prince of the tribe, and he also had a holy weapon on his body.

After the    holy weapon was released, it successfully blocked Helianshan's attack and gave her a heavy slap.

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