There is a large city at the junction of Lingxi Realm and Demon Realm, called Demon Spirit City.

  Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen agreed to meet in Yaoling City, and Feng Chen had already entered the city a day earlier.

   Yu Qingqian sat around the city, put on Chi Yan and rode into the city.

   The Chiyan Horse can still be used often when Yu Qingqian's cultivation base is low, but as the promotion gets faster and faster, Chiyan is less useful.

   However, Yu Qingqian is a person who is nostalgic. Chiyan grew up with her since childhood, so she used various spiritual medicines to wash the meridians for Chiyan alone, so that she forcibly broke through several levels of cultivation.

   Chiyan's current cultivation base barely steps into Spirit Venerable, which is already the limit. Unless there is a big chance to make it mutate, there will be no possibility of diligence.

   The red flame horse was released, it was very excited, and firstly kissed Yu Qingqian.

   Yu Qingqian rode on Chi Yan, touched its head, "Let's go!"

   The relationship between Chiyan and her is even deeper than that of Doudou. In any case, she will find opportunities to make Chiyan mutate in the future. As long as her cultivation level continues to be promoted, she will always be by her side.

After   Chiyan was transformed by Yu Qingqian's potions and spirits, there were fire clouds on all four hoofs, and he could freely restrain his aura.

  Yu Qingqian suppressed his breath in the spiritual emperor's cultivation base, and Chi Yan suppressed it in Lingshuai.

   After all, under normal circumstances, a monster like Chi Yan is only a second-level monster, and the Dingtian cultivation base is only a spirit king.

   Yaoling City belongs to the boundary between the two domains, and belongs to the city where the human race and the demon domain live together.

  Yu Qingqian rode Chi Yan into the city, and only had to pay the entrance fee, without showing identification.

   After entering the city, she saw many people with different styles and costumes walking on the street, judging from their breath, they were demons.

   In the advanced continent, Yaozhi can transform into a human life as long as he is promoted to the spiritual realm.

  Yu Qingqian's little darlings, Yaozhi, can also transform into human forms after they are promoted to Lingzun, but their favorite is to transform into monsters.

  According to the news given by Feng Chen, Yu Qingqian walked into a remote inn and knocked on the door of one of the rooms.

   Fengchen opened the door, "Qianqian!"

   "Sick Beauty, I miss you!" The two walked into the room and closed the door, Yu Qingqian hugged Fengchen and said.

   "I miss you too!" Feng Chen lowered his head and kissed her lips, intertwined.

  The two have been together for a long time and haven't been separated. Although it has only been more than half a month, I can't help but think of each other every day.

   During this period of time, the two of them didn't sleep at night, and directly threw themselves into the practice. They slept together without the companionship of someone familiar with each other, and it was difficult to fall asleep.

  The kiss ended, both of them were panting and smiling.

  Yu Qing said with a smile: "Look to see if the items on the task list have their positions displayed."

   She took the lead to take out her own share, and the mental power applied it, and found that a row of fonts and a reduced map appeared next to the first type of spiritual object.

   "It's really not easy to get the first kind of spiritual item. No wonder the master said that this is an experience." Yu Qingqing sighed after reading it.

   Feng Chen also took out his list and swept it with his mental power, "It seems that we have to go deep into the demon realm to find the spiritual things we need."

   At this time, only the first required spiritual object on the list shows the approximate location and is accompanied by a brief introduction, and the remaining two have no hints. Obviously, the first one needs to be found to explore.

   The two exchanged glances and found that although the spiritual objects they were looking for were no longer in the same place, they were in the same large area, so they didn’t have to run too far to find them.

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