As the news of Yu Qingqian's promotion to the Spirit Emperor spread, the Feng family also released the news that Feng Chen was promoted to the Spirit Emperor.

   With the news of the Great Demon King as an introduction, after hearing that Feng Chen was promoted to the Emperor Ling, everyone felt that it would be strange if he was not the Emperor Ling.

   However, the two spirit emperors who were less than fifty years old still caused a hurricane to blow in the Lingxi realm, leaving pieces of amazement everywhere the news passed.

   then spread to the other three realms, and even to the beast realm and the demon realm.

   Each aristocratic family and several realm masters sent congratulations to Yulingzong and Feng family to express their congratulations.

   The entire Yulingzong disciples were boiling, and it was indeed the great devil they worshiped.

  The children of the Feng family were also completely shocked, and they became excited.

   Hearing the news that Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen were both promoted to Ling Emperors, those who had offended Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen had a feeling of wanting to cry without tears.

   Especially in the beast realm, many spirit emperors and spirit saints have strengthened their precautions, for fear that the two would come to the beast realm to make trouble.

  Lou Feixue and Yu Zisu went to the Demon Realm to find the Spirit Emperor who once had a grudge after they were promoted to the Spirit Emperor, and the news spread among the upper echelons.

  The Beast Territory is also afraid that the Great Demon King will follow suit, and they don't want to continue to have a grudge against her.

  Yu Qingqian followed Lou Feixue to meet several reclusive ancestors of the Imperial Spirit Sect in the next few days.

   They all expressed their great love for Yu Qingqian, even if the little girl's temperament was a little bit devilish, but as time went by, they all accepted it happily.

  Yu Qingqian still underestimated the fanaticism of the sect's disciples towards her now. In the following days, the disciples gathered every day and shouted to the high-level inside the sect, wanting to meet the new ancestors.

  Yu Xiu was also shocked by the enthusiasm of the disciples in the Yuling Sect, and talked with several ancestors, and then came to Lou Feixue's yard.

  Lou Feixue saw Yuxiu rushing over and asked with a smile, "What's wrong? Let our Sect Master be so anxious."

   Yuxiu smiled bitterly: "It's the little girl's business."

   "What happened to my Qianqian?" Lou Feixue raised her eyebrows.

  Yu Qingqian was drinking tea by the side, and when he heard this, he looked up at Yu Xiu inexplicably.

Yuxiu explained: "In the sect now, whether it is the outer disciple or the inner disciple, or even the silver-robed and golden-robed disciples, they all have a unified voice and convey a request to the top of the sect, hoping to see them. The Great Demon King I admire most in my heart."

   "Several ancestors thought it was a good thing after knowing about it, so I came to the little girl to discuss one or two things, can she show up and preach once."

   Lou Feixue was extremely surprised, "Preaching?"

   Although Lou Feixue expressed his joy and pride for having so many admirers for his granddaughter, preaching is not something that can be done casually.

   After all, everyone’s cultivation path is different. A preacher needs to have a deep understanding of cultivation to be able to preach in all aspects, which will benefit the listeners a lot.

  Her family Qianqian has great talent and strength, but after all, she is too young, and Lou Feixue is not sure whether her granddaughter can do well in preaching.

   Of course, she believed in Yu Qingqian wholeheartedly.

"That's right, after the little girl became the Spirit Emperor, the disciples of the sect became more active in their cultivation. The elder ancestors meant that they didn't need to go too deep in their sermons, but they mainly introduced their cultivation experience. It can also promote the younger generation to learn from the great devil they worship, and be more enterprising." Yuxiu replied.

  Yu Qingqian crossed a face of Zhang Yulingzong's disciple in his mind, and smiled slightly: "Okay, I agree!"

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