The three top forces of the    Demon Dao are both independent and belong to the same camp, with contradictions and a combination of multiple interests.

   Jiang Yao, the young master of the Shuiyue Palace, is still very clear about some secrets of the Sky Palace.

  Yu Qingqian nodded: "Yes, it's my father."

   "Qingqian wants to know how your father is doing now?" Jiang Yao guessed that their father and daughter relationship must be very good after hearing the news that Yu Qingqian had given up the heart of the secret realm to Yu Jing.

   "Well, my father has been gone for a few years, and I miss him very much." Yu Qingqian's eyes showed a bit of missing.

   She was brought up by her beautiful father since she was a baby. She hadn't been separated for more than ten years, but now even meeting her has become a luxury. Or they are not strong enough!

  Jiang Yao reached out and patted Yu Qingqian's shoulder to show comfort, "Your father is not the only heir to the Sky Palace, there are three others, forming a competitive relationship."

   "A few years ago, your father and other four heirs were sent to a secret realm by the Sky Palace for training. The performance in the secret realm will be one of the assessments. I got news that your father's performance is the best."

   Jiang Yao thought about it and decided to tell Yu Qingqian the truth.

   "However, your father's voice among the four heirs belongs to the end. It is not a matter of his talent, aptitude and ability. The main reason is that the environment where he grew up is not in the Sky Palace, so there is a three-man gap in personnel resources."

   Yu Jing was only sent to the upper realm a few years ago, but the three heirs grew up in the Sky Palace, and each established their own network of relationships.

   Moreover, because Yu Jing is airborne, many younger generations are not convinced. Only by convincing those people to establish prestige can he win a large number of people's hearts.

"But the good thing is that your father's grandfather is a very important high-level executive in the Sky Palace. He has a lot of power in his hands and is extremely protective of his shortcomings. Therefore, your father is more powerful than the other three in terms of background, so it doesn't matter who will die in the end. Certainly."

   "According to my analysis of the information I have inquired, it is possible that your father spends most of the time in a low-key way, so you don't have to worry too much."

   He had already heard the news that the new heir appeared to be gentle and elegant on the surface, but he was actually very skillful and had an extraordinary mind. The other three heirs had already eaten soft nails several times.

Yu Qingqian is very confident in Meiren's father's mind and strength, but he is afraid that he will encounter a plot, "There are four heirs to the Sky Palace, and after one wins, what will happen to the other three? "

   "The results of the other three people will generally appoint the deputy hall master of the Motian Hall's branch hall, and the winner will be the hall master." Jiang Yao is still very familiar with the selection system of the Motian Hall.

  Yu Qingqian thought for a while and then asked, "Then, are casualties allowed between the heirs?"

   "According to the rules, the battle between heirs is not allowed to kill each other, but if there is an accident, it will not be counted. Therefore, the four heirs may end up suffering casualties." Jiang Yao did not hide it.

  Yu Qingqian pursed her lips, but she couldn't help worrying in her heart. It was even more inevitable that she wanted to ascend to the upper realm after being promoted to the Spirit Emperor in five years.

   "Brother, when will the selection of the successor of the Sky Palace end?"

  Jiang Yao replied: "The time to assess the successor of the Sky Palace is 20 years, so your father still has more than ten years to prepare for deployment, and he has enough time to fight against the guests."

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