Yu Qingqian and Feng Chen both showed rare solemn expressions, which made everyone's heart tighten.

  Gu Qingze and other people who had a contract with a space spiritual plant immediately probed out their spiritual power, only vaguely heard the wind, but they hadn't noticed that the space storm vortex was coming.

   "Qingqian, can you be sure of your judgment?" Jiang Yao couldn't help asking.

   In the past six months, everyone has been laughing at him calling him "little brother Yu". Facing Yu Qingqian's stunning face of his daughter's family, he felt that he couldn't speak his brother's mouth, so he changed his name to "Qingqian".

  Yu Qingqian nodded affirmatively: "I'm sure, now we are all facing the most severe dangers and tests, and we need your full cooperation, maybe we can get through this difficulty."

   "Tell me how you want us to cooperate." One person shouted nervously.

Yu Qingqian looked sideways at Feng Chen and said, "Beauty Sick, I will use my mental power to act on all the flying boats, forcibly break a space crack to avoid temporarily, you can organize the space department's spiritual planter to cooperate with me, and rely on myself alone. capacity is not enough.”

   In terms of organization and coordination, Feng Chen is stronger than Yu Qingqian.

   "Okay!" Feng Chen didn't say much, and shook Yu Qingqian's hand and let go.

   With a layer of cold and seriousness between his eyebrows, he said to everyone: "You immediately go and gather the space system spiritual planters on the nearly 100 flying boats behind."

   "Tell them, if you don't want to cooperate with the support, then you have to wait for death; if you are willing to go through the difficulties together, there is still a chance." He added.

   "Okay!" After six months of getting along, the people on the flying boat were still very convinced of Feng Chen.

   So he immediately took out various means of communication and sent messages to the people on the flying boat behind.

  Yu Qingqian's eyes flashed with a layer of blue light, which was the benefit brought by the mutation of his mental power, and he could see the movement of the big storm in the void more clearly.

The    hands condensed two groups of dazzling blue light, and shot directly to the position of the bow.

   The entire flying boat immediately vibrated, and a wave of spiritual power spread rapidly.

   After a while, Yu Qingqian frowned deeply and said, "The area of ​​the big storm is too wide and the speed is too fast. To open up space cracks to avoid it, it is impossible for all the flying boats to get in."

   She then looked at Gu Qingze and asked. "Gu Qingze, can your flying boat accommodate more than 200 people behind?"

   "Yes, my flying boat can still be expanded."

  Gu Qingze also felt that the wind was getting louder and louder. Although he had never seen a big spatial storm, a sense of danger spread throughout his body.

   He knew that Yu Qingqian's judgment was right, that the big storm was approaching, and because of the huge area, even changing the direction of the flying boat could not be avoided. The only way was to open up space cracks to avoid it.

   Yu Qingqian didn't have time to say more, but just gave Feng Chen a look.

   Then he applied one-third of his mental power to the flying boat, and the other two-thirds gradually converged into a single point. His eyes constantly swept the surrounding space, seeking a slightly safer void to avoid the great storm of space.

   "Hurry up and continue to send messages to the people on the flying boat behind, let them all give up the flying boat, don't put it away for a while, and let them all take refuge on our flying boat."

  Yu Qingqian knew what she meant with a glance at Feng Chen, and immediately continued to instruct everyone: "If anyone disagrees, don't worry, we just cooperate voluntarily."

   "Okay!" Everyone immediately called again without hesitation.

The people on the flying boat behind them panicked when they received a message one after another. They didn't have much time to think about it. In view of Yu Qingqian's greatness in the past six months, they could only give it a try and believe her once. Better than waiting to die, at least.

   So more than 200 people chose to abandon the flying boat in unison, and rushed towards Gu Qingze's flying boat.

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