Mrs. Hong saw the old woman's face was ugly, and suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

"What's wrong?"

  The old woman opened her mouth and replied, "Some news came just now that the three forces that Madam formed privately were all destroyed overnight."

   "And all the things that the three forces have done were deliberately exposed with evidence, and the blame was directed at the wife. The video of the conversation between the wife and a high-level executive has also been circulated, and now I am afraid it has already spread."

  The old woman had a worried look on her face. Those three forces were the base camp used by the lady to steal babies and hunt and kill scattered cultivators. Now that they were destroyed, all the things they did were exposed.

  The rumor has developed to a serious and terrifying level under the guidance of people with a heart.

   Mrs. Hong couldn't help but sit on the chair and said in a daze: "What? How is it possible?"

  The actions of those three forces are very secretive, and they all belong to the underground dark forces in the wild realm. How could they be wiped out overnight.

  How could Fengchen have such a strong power? No, she doesn't believe it.

  The old woman couldn't believe it when she saw the news, but it was not a message, it was sent one after another.

   "Madam, take a look."

   Mrs. Hong read the communication, and her eyes were rarely solemn and helpless.

   But after all, she has experienced countless storms, and she quickly calmed down.

   "Check, go and find out who did it for me." Madam Hong ordered with a calm and sullen face.

The    old woman nodded, and was about to go out when an unfamiliar messenger came in.

   She cautiously took it and opened it, and then a male voice like a clear spring echoed in the bamboo house.

   "Mrs. Red, are you still satisfied with the big gift I gave? This is just the beginning, you can enjoy the last moment of peace."

After the sound of    disappeared, the prohibition on the plant pattern on the communication talisman was also activated, and it ignited automatically and was destroyed.

   Mrs. Hong's face was as gloomy as ink, the evil spirit on her body had eroded the entire bamboo house into gray, her eyes were burning with raging fire, and she gritted her teeth: "Feng Chen, Feng Chen, it's really you, how dare you..."

  The shock in Chu Xu's heart was no less than that of Madam Hong. He had only suspected that the rumors about Madam Hong were spread by Feng Chen secretly, but he did not expect that Feng Chen's private power had become so huge that he couldn't imagine it.

   The three forces established by Mrs. Hong were all first-class existences among the dark forces in the wild realm. Unexpectedly, they were wiped out overnight.

   "Madam, what should we do now? Should we take back the remaining forces?" The old woman asked cautiously.

   Mrs. Hong's beautiful face was slightly distorted, "Take it back? Do you think you can take it back now?"

"Very well, Feng Chen was the first person who dared to provoke me in this way over the years. If it is exposed, it will be exposed. The big deal is that I will return to the Temple of the Soul." Madam Hong had planned for the worst, but now it's just because of one It was thought that the destruction of the ants was premature.

   "But since he dares to provoke me, then he has to pay the price of life rather than death!" Mrs. Hong picked up the ghost mask on the table and injected an evil spirit power, and the ghost mask suddenly flashed circles of red light.

   "Send a message to Feng Chen. If you don't want Yu Qingqian to die, let him come here to see me within today!" Madam Hong instructed the old woman.

   At that time, she must use Feng Chen's blood to water the surrounding bamboo forest.

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