Feng Chen came out of the small tower space, took a deep look at Yu Qingqian, and then used space teleportation to disappear into the bedroom.

   It was quiet at night, and Feng Chen left without disturbing the spies waiting outside.

When    appeared again, Feng Chen was already in a secret room.

   There were seven people sitting cross-legged in the secret room. When they saw Feng Chen appear, they all stood up and saluted respectfully: "Meet the young patriarch!"

   Feng Chen raised his hand and asked, "How are the preparations?"

  An old man wearing a Taoist robe replied: "It's ready, just waiting for the young master to preside over it!"

   Feng Chen nodded slightly: "Very good, then let's start now."

  Then he walked to the center of the secret room and sat cross-legged in the center of the gossip pattern.

   "Yes!" The others sat cross-legged in the position just now.

  Feng Chen took off the pendant on his neck and placed it in the Bagua array. He placed his two hands on the positions of one yin and one yang, and injected spiritual power.

   For a moment, the gossip on the ground seemed to come alive, and a layer of white light and black light appeared to echo each other, but they did not violate each other.

   Seeing this, the seven people sitting cross-legged raised their hands and used special exercises to inject spiritual power into the gossip, blessing with black and white lights flashing.

   An hour later, the gossip gradually spun, and the palm-sized gossip flew up, all of them digging into the pendant that was already suspended in the air.

  The seven people kept reciting paragraphs of scriptures in silence, the Sanskrit sounds lingered, like the baptism of the reincarnation of life and death.

   Feng Chen and seven people have been maintaining the instillation of spiritual power and reciting the Brahma scriptures with spiritual power. The originally dull pendant suddenly emitted a radiance, lighting up the entire secret room.

   After dawn, a beam of dawn broke through the secret room and landed on the pendant.

   The location here is remote, and there has been a great master-level planting ban on the surrounding area, so the appearance of the vision has been well concealed, and no one has found it.

   was already pale, and the seven people who were about to run out of spiritual energy immediately showed joy on their faces.

   After another cup of tea, a black dot slowly flew out from the pendant, followed the beam of dawn, and gradually transformed into a vague figure.

   Feng Chen immediately poured the spiritual power of his entire body into the gossip picture on the ground. The gossip radiated a dazzling brilliance, and a black and white ray of light penetrated into the blurred figure.

   With the injection of black and white light, the blurred silhouette gradually became clear, and a man with a strong and handsome face stood in the air with his eyes closed.

   The falling dawn slowly dimmed, but the young man's body was condensed more and more firmly and clearly.

  When the last ray of dawn disappeared and the gossip on the ground followed and annihilated, the man in the air slowly opened his eyes.

   The seven people who were sitting cross-legged quickly stopped their work, all with surprise on their faces, and gave a big salute to the man in the air, "I have seen the owner!"

   The icy aura on Feng Chen's body also dissipated a little, and a smile appeared in his eyes, "Grandpa!"

  The man's appearance looked like he was in his thirties, but his voice was hoarse with vicissitudes: "No gift!"

   Immediately, he looked at Feng Chen lovingly and said with a smile: "Chen'er, I am fortunate to suffer!"

   "It's what I should do to get my grandfather out of the shackles of his soul. It can't be said that it is hard or not." Feng Chen replied.

   In order to let the grandfather in the pendant reshape his body, Feng Chen started preparations in the low-level continent, and only recently did he get all the things he needed for the operation.

   Originally wanted to return to the Spiritual Rhinoceros Realm and use the method of reincarnation, but unexpectedly, he encountered the variable of Madam Hong.

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