Yu Qingqian had long guessed that Hongluan would ask such a question, and he did not hide it.

"Miss Hong, there is something wrong with the prohibition on the planting pattern that you asked someone to set up before. It only pays attention to the temperature and coldness, but ignores the circulation of spiritual energy, and promotes the ice lingcao to a level that seems to return to the light, so it seems to be open. So gorgeous."

  Hongluan felt a sudden realization when she heard Yu Qingqian's words, and she had to admit that Yu Qingqian was indeed capable.

   But after thinking about it, I was relieved. If Yu Qingqian was a scumbag or a false name, how could a peerless genius like Feng Chen be willing to pay him?

   "Does Miss Yu have any solution?"

Yu Qingqing chuckled lightly: "Yes! It's enough to re-design and arrange the plant pattern prohibition. The flowering period of this ice ling flower is about to pass. As long as the prohibition is arranged, you should take good care of it, and I believe it will soon be able to produce ice ling fruit. already."

   Hearing Bing Lingguo, the eyes of everyone present lit up.

Not every Bingling flower can cultivate Bingling fruit, especially this kind transplanted from Iceland. If it bears Bingling fruit, then it can extract Bingling liquid. It is very useful to improve the cultivation of Lingsheng in the later stage. .

   "Then I will trouble Miss Yu!" Hongluan got Binglingcao mainly because of Binglingguo.

  Yu Qingqian smiled slightly: "I have no problem with the shot, but the rules can't be broken. If you are cheaper, one million top-grade Lingyu will be fine!"

  "..." The people present couldn't help but want to hold their foreheads, the Emotional Demon King did so much foreshadowing, so it turned out that he wanted Lingyu!

  Hongluan's face did not change, but the temperature in his eyes dropped a lot, "Miss Yu, how do I know that after the ban is placed, the ice fruit will be born?"

Yu Qingqian raised her eyebrows: "I have always been the most trustworthy in my business, as long as you don't deliberately keep the Bingling Flowers bad, then I can guarantee that I will definitely produce Bingling Fruits, otherwise I will give you one million top-grade Lingyu. Give back."

   Bingling fruit can indeed be received, but because of the illness this time, the effect will be greatly reduced, so she naturally won't say this.

   Anyway, she only guarantees the results, not the efficacy of the fruit, so Hongluan's face must be very colorful by then.

  Hongluan knew that at this point, he could only spend Lingyu asking Yu Qingqian to arrange and transform it, otherwise the more than three million Lingyu before would be in vain.

   "Okay, I naturally believe Miss Yu's assurance."

   Yu Qing chuckled lightly, looked at Feng Chen and said, "Sick Beauty, I'll leave this to you, I'll just collect the money!"

  Coupling of husband and wife, work is not tiring!

   "Okay!" Feng Chen laughed softly.

   He walked to the front of the ban, took out the texture-planting pen with the materials laid down before, and just sketched it a few times at will. The aura of the entire ban flowed smoothly, and it also brought a bit of birth-promoting ability.

   Even people who don't understand planting patterns can perceive it. After Feng Chen's changes to the layout, the level of the entire planting pattern prohibition is much higher than before.

  Hongluan looked at Feng Chen's flowing, elegant and serious outline, his heart couldn't help beating violently, and the emotion seemed to be unable to suppress and burst out of the ground.

   While she was watching intently, even apparently obsessed, a fair and beautiful hand appeared in front of her eyes, and then she heard a displeased voice ringing in her ear: "Miss Hong, pay the bill!"

  Hongluan's face turned green in an instant, and all the beauty seemed to be shattered in an instant, so she could not wait to eat Yu Qingqian's heart.

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